Off-Topic Discussions > Computers & Technology

How do you..?

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New question! :O!
I downloaded a Mapping Program for this website to try out and learn how to get good at it.

The map I made, Im sure its completely over used, is a file, how do I change that so I can upload it?
Kamaran helped me, and I'm really grateful for that, but we never did finish.

Could someone tell me how to convert a file into an Image?
And if this is Kamaran, could you finish what you were trying to tell me?
The last thing you told me was to Ctrl + v on MSPAINT, but nothing after that... :I

I guess Kam meant that you needed to paste the file in paint, then you save it as an image file, (.jpg, .gif, .bmp, etc)

Oh, yes I think I forgot to answer your previous question. Yes, I do, if that is for the better :)

Chibi, open up the mapping program so that it is showing the map you wish to show to everybody.
Then push a button with 'prt sc' on (or something similar).
Then open up ms paint and push ctrl + v.
This will paste the image of your map into paint.
Then save it as an image.

Okay Jerry ill get you what I need... And i might bother you with what I hope to be future pokemon/ect... :3

No worries, I usually have enough time during the weekends :)


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