Pokémon Universe > Development

PU Team Dedication Thread

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First of all, I want to say sorry to ALL staff members.
Second, I LOVE the PU staff.
And last but not least, I would like to say that I am 13 years of age and I LOVE PU! :)


--- Quote from: spirit on July 22, 2010, 05:13:03 PM ---Dude, the next time you are in my neck of the woods, I am taking you out for a drink!

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I just might have to take you up on that, Spirit.
--- Quote from: Mr_Dark on July 22, 2010, 05:11:26 PM ---+1, just for that *STIKY* (and added the quote to the FP)

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...Cool! ;D


--- Quote from: Frenchfry545 on July 22, 2010, 04:53:47 PM ---Someone needs to sticky this thread, 'cause a lot of twelve year olds keep making posts/threads attacking members of the team in an attempt to get friends. Really, they seem to need a big 'ol blimp to fly overhead with a big sign that reads "Go have your man period somewhere else!"

What most newfags* don't seem to understand is that, contrary to the whiney punks in other MMO's forums who whine constantly about how much the staff of the game sucks:
We, the people, of the United Universe of Pokemon, in order to form a more perfect forum love the staff. Anyone who is known on the forum** will tell you, that no matter what happens, the PU team isn't one that you can gain friends around here by mocking. If I ever get permabanned from these forums, I won't be angry at Mr Dark, Urmel, or anyone else on the PU team. I'll be angry at myself, for being such a little prick that I managed to get banned by people with extremely loose rules.

*When I say newfags, I mean newfags, not people new to the forum. I mean the weirdos who attention whore by complaining all the time.
**You know, the active ones. Jerry, Amphy, Mr. Pokemon, Chibivampire, and so on.

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Lol, who can deny this? ;D

Congrats for getting it stickied :)

I love it when you (Mr_Dark) said "We only develop in our free time." They use their free time for us, not themselves. You really are great people. Good luck :)

even though ive only been a member for less than 3 hours i really appreciate the hard work of the PU creators and team ive said this in another thread but ive looked for a game like this for the past several days, i looked through a ton of games none of them were as good as this one and this is exactly what i was looking for thank you all so much for your hard work and dedication


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