Pokémon Universe > Development

Weekly development updates

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With the pre-beta testing date comming up soon the team is more busy than ever.
However it is manageable - even with my "break", as some of them call it.

Spirit took innitiative. ME LIEK.
He started the "Write a Quest Contest", as the final 3 open pre-beta spots will be chosen from there.
We still encourage already pre-beta signed members to participate, but if they win Spirit will have to change the reward.

The rewards is as following:

1st place:

* get your quest in the game
* get on pre-beta (if you're not already)
* surprise (I will reveal this one at a later date, but I think you will like it)
2nd place:

* get your quest in the game
* get on pre-beta (if you're not already)
3rd place:

* get your quest in the game
If you would like information on how to write a quest. please click HERE

In other news. Mr_Dark & Urmel are still working hard to finish the server and client. Almost all attacks are implemented (finally :'() in the server.

Everywhere else, everything is going as planned.

A series of major events happend this week. There were the Oscars and even bigger; My 20th birthday. I would like to thank everyone, once again, for the nice replies. (especially Spirit and Alice) ^^

The new movie trailer was also released from Nintendo's side. (link)
Our beloved, and Spirit's next first GF, Kuhns joined the team as a pixel artist
You can see the whole team HERE.

In more serious news;
the search function is currently broken. Meaning that if Google Search will be the search function until it is fixed.

As always we encourage members to come join us at the chat, as more information pass through there than I update here. You can also play the PKMN-trivia with other members.

--- Quote from: Bakagringo on March 09, 2010, 11:59:58 PM ---HEY! You forgot that I finished the Pokemon Switching GUI. :p

--- End quote ---

The first of April is comming! IT IS COMMING!

... and we have had some additions to the team this weak.
I am proud to present the following;

* DeCeaseD - Pixel artist (Alais' slave)
* Stephenkill2 - Mapper (My slave)
Stephenkill2 might also help the balancing team out if needed later on, as most team members (non-leaders) have multiple functions within the team.

In other news of awesomeness, we have established a server location in the United States of America, Kansas City. (link)
As stated in the thread, this is entirely thanks to the donations we have received over time.

Further more, the search function is now working again and Mr_Dark and Urmel are still very busy implementing items for the pre-beta.
As for now, the pre-beta will still be avaible, on the 1st of April, for those who are invited.

On a side note: we have more than 3400 members as this point. (that is an increase of ~500 members on a week)

Many of you should have realized the PU-team was interviewed by
Scorephoiria. If you havn't then you can read the interview HERE.

As the mapping is progressing so is the quests.
Spirit have finally chosen the three winners;

--- Quote ---3rd: ChaoticXSinZ
2nd: Declan_23
1st: Jerry

--- End quote ---


As far as I know the prizes has been changed due to the fact that the winners already were signed for the private pre-beta.
You can read the entire topic HERE.

For the implementing of items, Mr_Dark is ~98% finished and the Pokemon catching features is almost working too.

Next week will consist of a weekly in two part. The first part will be updated monday as usual and the 2nd on thursday (1st of April) due to Private Pre-Beta release.

 - We hope to see those who are invited, ingame!

Considering the private pre-beta I have sliced this weeks weekly in two. The second will be on the 1st of April as I also stated last time.

Pokemon-universe have a lot of unpayed job positions open.

* Mapper
* Pixel/vector artist
* Webdeveloper
As always there are some requirements. Read more at the job describtions.

Regarding the game, Urmel and Dark have finilized some features and testers will now be able to:

* Send private messages to each other
* Battle other players
* Look up information about their Pokemon
* Open and close their backpack
* Keep an eye on their Pokemons status
* Listen to awesome music while exploring
* Get their Pokemons healed by our Male Nurse Joys
* Catch and train PokemonsHowever, do not expect indoor maps to be finished for Private Pre-beta.

Simple quests are being finilized by Spirit and hopefully they will work too.

If all goes right (no problems from now on), we might be able to release the private beta on wednesday.

And by the way:
Over 4000 members and 9000 posts!

Part 2

We made it! The private pre-beta was released in the last hour of the last timezone. Which means 2nd of April for some of you. Mr_Dark & Urmel went to bed around 6AM (+1GMT) -_-'

Some of the pre-beta testers started to think that it was an April fools joke. They were wrong and the team members are dead-tired from yesterday. We will, while testers are able to test, update regularly.

This has been, or are going to be, added:

* Female Nurse Joys (instead of males)
* Choose starter
* Paperdoll system
As for April fools jokes. Yes we had one.
The: "[Official news] Gen5 starter-silhouettes revealed" was fake :)
We had a good laught at you guys who believed it ^^

Futhermore in the same section I had planned one more. I don't think you shouldn't be allowed to see it, even though April the 1st is over.

--- Quote ---Public pre-beta

As the private pre-beta is running smoothly, we, the PU-team, have opened for Public pre-beta testning.
However, there will be some features you will not have as the private testers does.

* Can't catch pokemons
* Can't make your own character
* Can't choose your own starter
* Can't explore beyond the first areaDOWNLOAD HERE

--- End quote ---

In other news:
Spirit and Kuhns have announced their PU-comic. I think you should take a look here.


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