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Author Topic: Weekly development updates  (Read 40700 times)

Offline Kamaran

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Re: Weekly development updates
« Reply #15 on: April 06, 2010, 08:39:29 PM »
As the pre-beta testing goes on I don't really have much to show you.
I hope that I'll be able to show you some screenshots within a week.

At least we have some new members to introduce:
  • Zocan - Mapper
  • Ameyathed - Mapper
  • Chaoticxsinz - Web Developer

And Wasabi-knight should (with help from Chaoticxsinz) be working on an updated website with new features.

The public Pokemon-universe editor is slowly progessing too.

By the way!
Over 5000 members and 10000 posts!
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Offline Kamaran

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Re: Weekly development updates
« Reply #16 on: April 14, 2010, 02:43:46 PM »
A little late Weekly. But nether the less a Weekly

As testing goes on so does the debugging. Also the main reason why I - yet another week - have nothing much to tell.

At least Wasabi-Knight have had birthday :) congratulations to him ^^

Spirit uploaded some private prebeta video clips HERE and I know Zocan is working on an additional map area which just might be available later on in the private pre-beta.

This was also the week were Pokemon Black and White was announced.

I have updated some information regarding the upcoming generation 5 games. (link)

Furthermore; with the newest patch installed, pre-beta testers are able to walk with their pokemons. I did notice the sprites in our data, but did not realize it was so soon :) (link)
« Last Edit: April 19, 2010, 08:26:33 PM by Kamaran »
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Re: Weekly development updates
« Reply #17 on: April 19, 2010, 08:24:17 PM »
This weekly is mostly for our pre-beta testers.

We are planning on adding a new area for you to explore within 2 weeks. (no addional pokemon will be added).

As always Urmel and Mr_Dark are fixing the bugs you find and we have currently our 4th patch out now.

Urmel was also kind to spend his weekend on building a linux client. (U.S. version)
 - if you are located in europe and uses linux, please follow the instructions on the page to get a EU version.

Please notice that only beta-testers are able to click on the links above.
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Offline Kamaran

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Re: Weekly development updates
« Reply #18 on: April 27, 2010, 08:43:08 PM »
The Private pre-beta is still rolling.
Currently we are only waiting on Zocan to finish an addional map. He plans to have it done by the 1st of May which means that it will be up and running on the 3rd.

We plan on releasing a public pre-beta as soon as possible. Meaning that the entire first isle will be avaible for exploration. (more or less). There is currently no date on this event.

I talked to Gammal yesterday; about progress regarding the balancing project. He said that they had made the final tests on the starter pokemons and was to analyze their data.
I'll update this when I know the results.
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Offline Kamaran

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Re: Weekly development updates
« Reply #19 on: May 03, 2010, 10:06:53 PM »
Last week I talked about some tests that Gammal, Stephenkill2 and Level5Pidgey did regarding the balancing project. There are still no news on that matter. However, Gammal did say that at least Infernape and Blaziken (both being fighting/fire) should be balanced. But I need confirmation on this.

Zocan have finalized a new area. It will be added for Private-prebeta use in patch5. As well will a new pokemon be catchable in a certain area. I even modified the caves a bit and gave them a new tileset. You might remember them from one of Spirits42's movies.

This is how it looks now:

The cave above is the first cave you enter. Recognize it?
Please be aware that this tileset is not our own. We will make our own at some point.

In other news:
We have a lot of open job positions. So feel free to apply as long as you meet most of our requirements.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2010, 12:33:18 PM by Kamaran »
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Re: Weekly development updates
« Reply #20 on: May 17, 2010, 07:37:28 PM »
I will start out with an apology for last weeks missing updates. ^^

I simply forgot it in the hunt for generation 5 leaks and updates. Which we got.
The generation 5 starter pokemon were revealed and their Japanese names are as following; Tsutaaja, Pokabu and Mijumaru. You can see them in colour by clicking on the link.

As for the 5th. Private Pre-beta patch. You guys still gotta wait. We are currently editing/fixing some coding.

In other news: We have had a major switch-out in the team.
  • Shashi is no longer community manager
  • Ilsu333 left the team
  • Ameyathed is nowhere to be found
  • Raikt joined the balancing project
You can see the whole team here.

Wasabi-knight and Chaoticxsinz are still working on www.pokemon-universe.com version 3.0. I have been told that it will be much much more than just a forum as it is now.

Regarding the public editor; it is currently set on hold until further notice. - I'm sorry guys.

If you want to see battle videos from the Black and White games, please click on this link. (www.pokebeach.com)

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Offline Kamaran

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Re: Weekly development updates
« Reply #21 on: May 31, 2010, 08:39:12 PM »
Quite awesome week so far :)
The PU team has been very constructive and we got to see the generation 5 legendaries.

Let's start with the legendaries
The Pokemon Company revealed two new pokemons this week; the main legendaries for the Black and White games. As every other generation 5 pokemon, you can find them here. It has been confirmed that they are at least part dragon-type.

As for the balancing project; Level5Pidgey, Gammal, Stephenkill2 and Raikt have really got some work done this week. And I can only say that it looks promising.

Here is a Offensive Swampert as it looks now;
Tier 1:
Aqua Intimidation - If this Pokemon's Aqua Tail misses, there is a 33/66/100% chance that the enemy's Defense is lowered by 2 stages.
Improved Facade - Facade has a 33/66/100% chance to ignore the attack reducing effects of Burn.
Keen Eye - This Pokemon's accuracy with all moves is increased by 3/5%

Tier 2:
Mudslide - Swampert's Torrent boosts Ground attacks by 5/10/15%
Take the Edge Off - Double Edge only deals 28/24/20% recoil damage.


Tier 3:
No Ripples - Water attacks have 2/3/5% more power, at the expensive of Ground attacks having 1/2/3% less.
Dirty Work - Ground attacks have 2/3/5% more power, at the expensive of Water attacks having 1/2/3% less.

Tier 4:
Weighted Stones - Stone Edge loses its increased critical chance, but gains 3/7/10% Accuracy.
Deluge - Waterfall loses its chance to make the opponent Flinch, but gains 2/5/8 base power.

Improved Torrent - This Pokemon's torrent now activates at 34/36/38/42/45%
Please note that this is not final.
You can find all finished Pokemons on the optimizer board. (link)

In other news I can information you that;
  • Thia, a pixelartist, joined on trail
  • Summer starts tomorrow! (Unless you're Aussie)

I knew I had forgot something!
Also; OVER 9000 MEMBERS!
« Last Edit: May 31, 2010, 09:08:14 PM by Kamaran »
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Re: Weekly development updates
« Reply #22 on: June 08, 2010, 07:36:15 PM »
First of all, we the PU team, will like to apologize once again.
The Zubat that had a rampage on our site is now dead.

I can inform you that the balancing project is still ongoing, and as last I showed last week, the pokes turn out nicely. The guys will soon start on the fire-types.

Two public notations;

We'll gladly see more of you guys in our chat or/and in the ventrilo server.

We're running low on donations, and will most likely not be able to pay next month's hosting fee. (thus we can't develop).
Please feel free to donate. Even the smallest donation is appreciated :)

Carbon is off the team.
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Offline Kamaran

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Re: Weekly development updates
« Reply #23 on: June 14, 2010, 09:32:12 PM »
With Mr_Dark and Urmel gone to England we had one massive online drinking party at the chat. (18+ and no nudity :()

That means we have done absolutely nothing this week :D
 - Besides celebrating Amphy's birthday

nah... I can't lie.
The balancing team have almost finished all the water type starters and are desperately looking forward to start with the fire types.

The Game User Interface have been improved a bit and the mapping dudes have added a bit more area.

At the moment many of our team members and other people who join us at the chat, are busy playing ChibiVampire's RP game. Found here.
I suggest you give it a look.

Furthermore; I'll see if I can "leak" some of the balanced water starters soon, as I did earlier with the not-finished Swampert. Wish me luck.

On a final note from Mr_Dark and Urmel, I should tell you all that;
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Re: Weekly development updates
« Reply #24 on: June 21, 2010, 09:43:57 PM »
As some of you might have seen; with the help from Amphy and ChibiVampire, Pokemon-Universe introduced the new RolePlaying corner. You can be out of character and completely random here. xD

Bakagringo told me that he is somewhat finished with the root part of the GUI. Pictures of this new GUI can be found on the contributor board, which is a special area for members with high donations and other major contributions.

Mr_Dark is still building a version 2 of the servers to optimize gameplay and functionality.

This was also the week where we got to see more generation 5 pokemons. You can find the thread at this link.
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Re: Weekly development updates
« Reply #25 on: July 08, 2010, 11:10:56 PM »
//PU is on vacation mode//

 - Cya in Rotterdam!
For more information, please join us at the chat

also; check out the urban dictionary made by Spirit :)

and.... ehh... Vacation mode tells me that I think we got some new Pokes the last couple of weeks too. But... Whatever.

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Offline Kamaran

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Re: Weekly development updates
« Reply #26 on: July 29, 2010, 07:38:43 PM »
As some of you might have noticed, www.p1cture.it is currently not working as intended. As a result of this, some of our pictures aren't being shown. Bakagringo and Wasabi-Knight will fix the problem as soon as possible. In the mean time, we can only be sorry for the inconvenience.

Since the last Weekly development update, I have been on vacation and have had some technical issues with my computer, (they aren't fixed yet).
The community have been lucky enough to get some leaks of pokemons - Including a new legendary. (link). As far as I have counted we are up on around 35 new pokemons for generation 5.

As a side bonus for you all, (well... those with a DS and a WiFi-connection) I think should check out this page!

On another note; we have changed how the chat works.
As of now there is a public channel for all you random dudes who likes pokemon :). Almost anything is allowed in that channel - almost anything.
But then we have turned the old channel into a PU discussion channel, for those who are interested in following PU's work progress. (allowed access is needed)
You can find both channels in the chat tab above this thread.

Please remember that some of the PU team members are still on vacation. Thus meaning that progress in this month is rather slow.

Have a nice day :)
« Last Edit: July 29, 2010, 08:13:38 PM by Kamaran »
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Re: Weekly development updates
« Reply #27 on: August 12, 2010, 03:37:56 PM »
Follow us on TWITTER

First we have had some team changes:
  • Weirddemon joined as a developing assistant
  • Zocan quit the team due to a new project of his

Since Zocan quit, a new mapping position (towns) is now open.
We are also looking for pixel and vector artists, as we are in a heavy need for those.

In another news, we have got a few more generation 5 pokemons shown and some in game footage and information.

We highly recommend that you join us at the public chat, (But not asking for release date) and have some fun.

-- Also, Titan Quest: Immortal Throne FTW!
« Last Edit: August 12, 2010, 03:48:58 PM by Mr_Dark »
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Offline Kamaran

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Re: Weekly development updates
« Reply #28 on: August 16, 2010, 08:33:12 PM »
A minor update for you all

We are still progressing - slow.
It would go much faster if we had more artists.

On another note:

Bakagringo exported the new base GUI. Urmel is currently implementing this into the client.

Had to change the pokemon names language to Japanese due to lack of space, as seen here.
Please use this to learn how to read them.

Mr_Dark is still working on rewriting the server.

Dark: [17:42:08] <&Chansey> PUServer Revision 500: All "fun" stuff is done. Now time for the endless moves list :<
« Last Edit: August 24, 2010, 07:17:46 PM by Mr_Dark »
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Offline Kamaran

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Re: Weekly development updates
« Reply #29 on: August 30, 2010, 05:56:00 PM »
It's final time for one more update.

Mr_Dark has implemented as many as 266 out of 467 moves. With that rate, he should be finished within September.

You can see the newest GUI by Bakagringo, here. He also joins Spirit in some of Spirit's videos. In the videos they explain the thoughts behind the concept and how the quest system works.

The TWITTER is still rolling. Urmel and Mr_Dark woman-slapped us and said that we should use it more. So we are.
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