Creative Discussions > Art Work

My first ever splice.

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That's my first ever splice. Ever. Please tell my problems if there are any, and how I can improve it. I could make one for you if you like.

Oh yeah, it's Absol and Grovyle, requested by Spirit :)

My second one, Togekiss and Altaria.

The sprites looked almost identical, so it came out awesome.

Wow, I can't believe i'm doing these all in one night :o Bidoof and Pikachu.

Mr Pokemon:
Let me predict what you will do next..
The signs tell me.. Altaria and Togekiss!

Mr Pokemon:
My prediction was right!  :D
I mean..
My prediction was right. I knew it.  8)


Pretty good. Most people make a few, think they suck, then quit. Looks like you could do really well with this. Since you wanted a few pointers, or just helpful suggestions I guess, I can offer up a few:

- First things first. You want a clear background. The black is very distracting and not very pretty. I think there are a few ways to do this on the internet (websites and whatnot), but I just do it in paint.NET. The images you can download already come with clear backgrounds for spriting.
- Secondly, this is related to the first, if you don't already then I recommend as a spriting resource. It's definitely helped me out. If you right click, save as, and open the files that way, it should also solve the black backgrounds.
- Always, always, always save as a .png file. JPEGS are horribly blocky and rendered when saved. Saving as a .png fixes this.
- Clean up your sprites. Now, I'm definitely calling the kettle black here, because a few of my sprites are pretty messy if you zoom in enough and look closely. (You can partly faded blocks of color I didn't get out when I was experimenting with color.) Cleaning them up can go a long way towards making them more attractive.
- And finally, have fun. If you aren't having fun with a fusion, don't do it. Chances are, it will come out poorly because you didn't like it or expected it to.

Hope any of that helps.


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