Creative Discussions > Art Work

Pokemon Universe Google Chrome Theme

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First, this is by no means endorsed by the PU team. I was bored and decided to make it.

I was kind of rushed when making it, so it may not look as good as it could and any suggestions are more than welcomed.

The theme can be downloaded from the link below. After downloading, it will ask you for confirmation, select 'Continue' and you're done! Afterwards, you can delete the file.


looks awesome  ;)

Just out of interest, what is the sketch in the bottom left hand corner?
No edits to see here ;)


--- Quote from: Declan_23 on August 04, 2010, 09:25:05 PM ---Just out of interest, what is the sketch in the bottom left hand corner?
No edits to see here ;)

--- End quote ---

It's the PU logo + a custom brush I found on the web. I imported the image into PS and added the brush in an additional layer.

Nice Ice pattern....

Not that Ill use it, I dont use Google Chrome.... Nice job though


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