Creative Discussions > Other Roleplay

Ender's Game OOCC and Profiles

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Mr Pokemon:
Post your OOCC here, and I'll post the profiles that you PM me.

Mr Pokemon:
PU name: Mr Pokemon
Char. Name: Wyl
Age: 7
Personality: Wyl bases his actions and decisions more on thought than on instinct. He is nice when he has to be, but sees through lies easily.

Bio: Raised in Luxembourg, school was always easy for him, and he took classes with children years older than him. He learned French, German, and Luxembourgish when he was young, and learned English later on. The I.F came and brought him to battle school at the age of 7. He knew that this day would come, and was ready.

Mr Pokemon:
PU Name: Unbreakable
Char Name: Lirys
Age: 8 (I feels Old)
Personality: Timid, Jumpy, Shy, Tempermental in some cases.
Bio: A boy struck by Fear, his old friends Shunned him. The only way to Restore his dignity is to fight, as timid as Lirys is.
Picture: Ima get there

Mr Pokemon:
PU name: Monzta
Char. Name: Renji (yes, my name is Renji in every RP.)
Age: 7
Personality: confident, brave and is very social.
Bio: His family took him to the school because their whole family was weak and poor and about to die. By the time Renji got to the school, his family did die and he got really sad but then thought to himself that he has to be strong and give a good name to his family tree when he grows older. He will never quit, and will endure even the most pain. He will be happy to make friends with anyone, anytime.
Picture: In the training grounds (after he gets introduced obviously)

Lol Monzta! Thats Young Ichigo, isnt it?


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