Pokémon Universe > Development

Get to know the team: Baka edition

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Name: Michelle
Age: 21
Location: Earth
Quote: "Even monkeys fall from trees"
Position: GUI and World designer.

1. Do you have pets? - Dog.

2. What is your favourite colour? - Not a colour really, but I like Black.

3. What kind of music do you like? - Rock, mostly.

4. What do you do on your free time besides spending time on PU? - Working and traveling.

5. What are your goals/dreams in life? - No comment

6. What got you involved in PU? - I just felt like it.

7. What makes you different from the rest of the PU team? - I have a dry humour.

8. Who do you admire? Why? - A certain girl, but other than that, nobody really. I barely even know celebs...

9. Are you into sports? If so which ones? - Geocaching, and Distance walking.

10. What is your dream job? - Management I guess.

11. What was your first screenname? - Don't know.

12. Do you have any piercings? - Hell no, that's ugly.

13. Are you a lefty/righty? - Right handed

14. Do you have any tattoo's? No.

15. Do you have any siblings?  One sister, one half sister, one half brother, and two steph brothers.

16. What is your favorite website? - p1cture.it

17. Do you play computer games?  If so, which ones? - TQ , C6C Generals, Halo, etc...

18. Do you play video game consoles?  Which ones? - Rarely actually, but I have both PS3 and 360.

19. Are you married or planing to get married? - No, and yes.

20. Which languages do you speak? - It's obvious that I speak many...

21. Do you drink? - Rarely.

22. Do you smoke? - Smoking is for losers.

23. Do you have a license? - No
   a) Do you own a car? No
   b) Have you ever been stopped for speeding? No, but i've crashed...

24. Do you obtain a good amount of sleep daily? - No, I have insomnia.

26. Have you ever been on an airplane? - Yeah... all the time.

27. Have you ever broken a bone? - Nope, I loved milk. ;)

28. Do you wear jewelry?  Uhmmm no.

29. How do you dress? - Old jeans, ugly overwashed t-shirt.... snd... NVM-

30. How many keys are on your keyring? - 14... No i'm not joking.

31. What time do you go to bed?  What time do you wake up? - I go to bed 3 hours before I fall asleep.

32. What's the freakiest thing you have done? - I have done so much weird stuff, I dunno what to classify as "freakiest".

33. Do you live alone? - Yeah, me and my trash.

34. How many hours a day do you spend in the computer? - More than I should

35. How many hours a day do you spend in PU? - Same as above

36. What is your favorite beverage - Guarana Antarctica

37. What do you hate? - Kids

38. What do you love? - A certain girl.

39. What is your religion? - I am God.

40. What is your hair color? - Blonde

41. How tall are you? - 1,80 Horsecocks (UK/US measure) / 1,80M (Modern meassure)


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