Pokémon Universe > Development

Technologies used to create the game...

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Why would you be worried about sharing client code? This is going to be a free to play game right? It's not like someone is going to run off and make a billion dollar enterprise with it.

If you wrote the game in silverlight it would be multiplatform, Windows/Mac. And possibly linux because I know microsoft teamed up with the mono project to help port over the framework.

Edit: I don't see a job posting for the map editor position.


--- Quote from: gprime on October 13, 2010, 04:34:20 AM ---Why would you be worried about sharing client code? This is going to be a free to play game right? It's not like someone is going to run off and make a billion dollar enterprise with it.

If you wrote the game in silverlight it would be multiplatform, Windows/Mac. And possibly linux because I know microsoft teamed up with the mono project to help port over the framework.

Edit: I don't see a job posting for the map editor position.

--- End quote ---

Because we don't want people running their own (modified) servers.

Our code is in c++ so it's also multiplatform and c++ gives us more control on how objects are handled in the memory.


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