Creative Discussions > Roleplay Corner

[OOCC]A Random Pokemon RP~! o_0

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yup, and its ok jerry, dont worry

^^ lol been waiting like 4 weeks for a response... Yeah. Patients are a virtue... Oh wait. :P

What do you mean by intercepting the plot, Black?

PkMn Trainer Black:
I'm not really sure if i'm on point of the game(since i don't have it), but if I remember corectly from watching a friend, after all the elites are beaten, you go to the statue and you decend, getting ready to face the Champion. But N is there as well, and after the conversation ends you battle N and his Legenday instead, right? Well, since I'm the closest of this plot, and I don't posess Black Orb, you wouldn't mind if i took your place in that battle, would you?

Well, I'm not following the story of Black/White completely, I'm changing a lot of things really...

But point remains, the Black Orb is currently owned by Aqua, so it's to her that you'll have to address.

Also, triple check the names of the pokemon when you use them. You tend to misspell them a lot.


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