Creative Discussions > Other Roleplay

Re: [RP]Kingdom Hearts: Zero Plane (Old RP Storyline)

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"Organization Nexus, we are proud to have two new members enter in our quest to become whole, Mana and Zirene."

Today was my first day in Nexus, and I wasn't alone, Mana joined me on my journey to find my purpose.... I struggled to remember who I was when I was Human, but my memory was hazy. I decided since my first mission wasnt until tomorrow, Id better get some rest.


Mana stood quiet as she was being introduced into the organization. He was looking down at the ground, thoughts running through her head when she was a human, "Big sister! Hey, Mana!" She tried to ignore them, now she was a Nobody. "Wonder what starts tomorrow" She said, imagining the many things that would come.

((Unbreakable, you never answered that one Message... =3=))


Aura was in his room trying to feel but he knew it would just fail every time. He was new here and he just couldn't stop trying, he would be the newest member but those other newbies Mana and Zerene. He knew he had another mission tomorrow so he turned out his light and tried to sleep but he couldn't stop thinking about his old life.

"Mission #1: Target Practice"- Saix
"I need this a lot, where will the location be?"

"The Skyscraper of dreams, Teleport outside the castle, at the top of the structure, your task is to shoot targets, further and further away. The mission ends when you miss 2 times, Xaldin is going with you to make sure the data is accurate. I looked, "ha, that ones easy." *bolt* of course, another popped up.  after 7 targets in all, one popped up that would require more strength to hit. I focused, *ping* "Yes! another." I ended up hitting 11 in all. Then my RTC would bring rewards

"11 targets hit, not bad, for a newbie. Here you go."

((this is the part where I add my reward to the total.))


((I take it that would be my first mission too? :P?))
Mana made her way to briefing, and then learned she was assigned for "Target Practice". She made her way to the location where the targets would appear. Mana wasn't one to use magic, so it was made into a "speed" test with a time limit and ground targets. Mana started her swings with a single arm, after the first target popped up and she ran straight to it. The target would fight back so there was no need to take precaution. She sliced it with a swing of her scythe. 2 more appeared, but it looked like they were made out of different material than the first one. She ran beside them, when she hit the second one the first one was already cut down. 3 more. Also with new material. "I see... "

Mana ran straight at it and held the her scythe with two hands this time, and made her way through the three, having to pull her scythe through them. 4 more. New material, "This isn't just a test of speed..." She whispered to herself, she made her way up to them, she wouldn't be able to cut them down so easily as the first one, so she had to hack them down one by one, wasting the time she had left. 5 more. New material. Mana was getting sick of the changing targets, but it was a test, so she had to ace it. She charged at 1 target, and then she jumped. "Ha!" She yelled as she came down, she sliced it in half, but she didn't stop there, she continued by grabbing the hitting her scythe with her palm so she could hit the second one, she span away from the first one, and came at the next one. 3 left. She jumped at the closest one, but unfortunately it wasn't as good a jump as she wanted. "Damn... finished with 12..."

She thought, before her scythe had landed. When it did, it barely made it an inch through. She yanked out her scythe and walked to the teleporter, "Wow... That wa--" "--I don't want to hear it..!" She cut someone off, It was someone that had to accompany her to mark her results. Mana, thinking she did terrible,  made it back to the organization, walking through the halls, and then she stopped. She fell against the wall dropping her scythe, with a sigh, and she sat down leaning against the wall. "Nice going, Mana..." She told herself.

((Theme song... :3))


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