Off-Topic Discussions > Computers & Technology

My internets broke :(

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Well, You have Google... If you couldn't get Google, that would be fairly serious.

This has nothing to do with the router...

You can try a different Browser, although I dont think thats the problem either.

Do you have Decent Antivirus software on your computer?

I need what Specs you can give on your Laptop's RAM Memory.

Could be an ip conflict accross the system. But it usually tells you if it is.

Many corrupt files, proxy servers, and RAEG fits later...
My internets are better now, but flash still refuses to function on IE, so I'm on Chrome now.


--- Quote from: Frenchfry on November 21, 2010, 03:50:13 AM ---Many corrupt files, proxy servers, and RAEG fits later...
My internets are better now, but flash still refuses to function on IE, so I'm on Chrome now.

--- End quote ---

If you ever want to use IE again, (Unlikely) Try Updating Adobe Flash Player


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