Pokémon Universe > Jobs

job request and quest idea

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I cant join the chat I have tried it keeps redirecting me to mebit so I gave up

mibbit works jusat start an account there and log in and you can chat no maney!

I tried that but it always freezes and crashes and it really ticks me off


--- Quote from: Draagn on February 03, 2010, 04:47:32 AM ---Is there a way I could join the team my problem is that I am not 18 but I want to help I mean I like submitting ideas and stuff but what I really am good at is sheet music ,and I know you have a music writer and hes probably better than me but I want to help I would post my music but there isn't a forum for it,  and like I said I want to help and just the possibility of listening to my music while I am on a route would be amazing. So I don't know who to go to so I posted here,and I know I legally cant get hired but still even a unofficial position would work , just as long as whoever does the music at least listens,or reads my music. Its none lyric orchestra music. (I play the violin)But I know bass,viola, and a little cello.  So if PU is interested I will post my music just tell me where ,and I will post it.

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Sorry about not replying earlier, only yesterday I had the time to check out your music, and I've had alot of thought about it. I don't think we'll put you in the team though, you or anyone else, I think we'll set the job position as locked. This for a few reasons.

Me and Mr_Dark have very specific ideas in terms of what we want to do for this game. Perhaps about 1/3 of the soundtrack has been composed, and it follows some particular defined leitmotiffs, as well as the composition styles used by original Pokémon game composers Jun'ichi Masuda and Go Ichinose. Also, each piece of music is proccessed through the Gameboy Advance synth, which is a frustrating proccess when things go wrong for no reason, because there's a limit of 5 notes at the same time and there are specific groups of instruments that can be used for one song. I've been composing since like, September, and it still messes me up sometimes.

Nothing against you in particular, you're not the first person to want to collaborate with music for the soundtrack. The only reason we never really defined that nobody else could join the job is because I always tend to think about it from my own perspective of when I discovered PU. But to avoid more situations like this I'll just set the job position as locked.

If you do want any of your music to appear in some form in the game, maybe we could do something about that, I don't know. There have been ideas such as an in-game radio or something, but we have to think that through.

well ok thanks for being honest...and I would love to hear some of my music in PU ,and not just that but what open jobs are there in PU because I would like to know how to be a moderator for the PU forum.


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