Entertainment > Other Entertainment

Best Movie Series?

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--- Quote from: Mysterium on June 28, 2011, 07:10:17 AM ---Why is Twilight even up there? Stephanie Meyer has the IQ and writing talent of a garden hose.

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This. ^

Not all girls like that garbage. :/ It actually angers me and I consider it a form of torture.



--- Quote from: Ponge on June 28, 2011, 11:37:16 PM ---
The first 2 were okay, the third was passable, but the fourth is just awefull.

--- End quote ---

Haven't seen the 4th, damn.

I wanted to vote LOTR or HP because that is what I love, but it has to be  Starwars just because of the sheer amount of the money made. Also the fact that George Lucas himself couldn't ruin the series and that like three generations have played with toys from the same story. Actually there are going to be three more movies about the son of Leia and Han. Lengthwise these could only be matched by Pirates, because Pirates does not need to be linear.

Pirates because i'm not enough of a nerd to like things like Star Wars .... and no there's nothing wrong with being a nerd i'm a nerd to on a scale of 10 i'm like a 4 lol ok enough of that well i do kinda like Harry Potter but never go into it to much i'm more of a scary/Comedy movie guy.

What dee efff is Twilight doing up there? ... who ever picks Twilight, well... never mind but i'd rather see paint dry. nuff said.

harry potter all the way !


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