Creative Discussions > Roleplay Corner

[OOCC] - Disgaea: Presence of Favoritism

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Suddenly an OOCC thread!

As of now, there are three members of the RP including myself. We'll start it up when one more person joins.


Any questions regarding the RP are to be put here.

here is one I'm a prinny so how should i start?

Do something a prinny would do. |:(
Like... not get thrown because that would kill you.

yeah i kinda have no idea like ......................... oh wait i have a idea never mind!

The new overlord is Lloyd huh? Sounds familiar...*coughtalesoffantasiacough*

Oh, by the way... I just now noticed, that my char's name - Aurora is akwardly similiar to that of StarLite - Alora. Should I change my char's name? I'll change it in all posts so far if needed to.


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