Creative Discussions > Art Work

[WIP] mewkein

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tda killer:
cheers mate, illl look her up ;D

I don't understand the ruffle in the crotch.

Hybrid mutants are always fun.

tda killer:
me neither lol, although by looking at it i somehow realise why people call things bushes,... yet the sudden realisation stops and i forget everything whn i look away 0.o-hiccups-    jkins lol,.. it came with the blazekien legs i got from goooogle

Since it's a work in progress I added the tag to the topic title.

tda killer:
oh and btw, this isnt the only one im making, im makin quite a few, this is just for a mess around

a little bit o work, enough to put a temporary hold on this one and start on anouther.

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