Creative Discussions > Roleplay Corner

[OOCC] Dimensional Disasers

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I came up with a plot for my character, it will be able to go through the entire RP and it won't mess anyone up, and it will be hard for someone to mess it up.


--- Quote from: Frenchfry on July 16, 2011, 04:31:11 AM ---then i burst onto the seen from the south at the speed of sound, leaving a trail of jet noise and light behind him

hay gaiz my name is purple are you heading north for your destiny, too?

then i fell asleep and had a dream where arceus said he was linked to me and then he had a fight with everything and he won.
then he made me wake up. so i got up and then i realized i was bleeding to death so i used my shadow powers to use a potion and then i was cured. then i was bored so i used my shadow power to take out my ipod and i turned on boysboysboys by lady gaga so i cought all the legendaries in the world.

okay bye guys im gonna go head north for my destiny and my family now

then i headed north more so that i could family and destiny better.

--- End quote ---

Sorry Fry, but without having an approved profile by Yuki, you won't be able to post...

And I'll take that occasion to also say that the quality of the Dimentional Disasters is really a disaster. With all those poor quality post, I'm not surprised that Yuki, the one who made the RP barely posts in it anymore. I won't pin point names, but you know already yourself who are posting -for lack of better fitting adjective- crappy posts. The RP forum was made to have fun, not just put whatever you want to put in there just to make the RP thread grow big.


That was just about the highest quality post in the last several pages. Imma go get Yuki and then repost it.

Yume Tsuki:
that was kinda a OP post though.. but mainly a summary of a few guys in the story.

Is there I way I can leave te RP? I left interest in it a while ago, and now you see why my post's are like that, the only reason I still post in in it is because the RP is dying and it's one of the only RP still "going", so I would like to leave the RP.


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