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Discuss Movies you've watched!

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--- Quote from: Ez on October 19, 2011, 04:43:24 AM ---Just saw Scott Pilgrim vs the World and it was pretty good. Great effects and kinda funny, not what i expected but yea....

Also saw...
the Kings Speech - Great Movie
Green Lantern - Disappointing but not terrible
Horrible Bosses - funniest movie iv'e seen in a while
Batman: Year One - holy crap fidghihgifdihngihn jizz in ma pants
Black Swan - Great Movie
True Grit - Great Movie
Rabbit Hole - Good movie but unlike most i didn't get emotional at all
TRON Legacy - gives you eyegasms as for the movie it self, it's ok bad plot good acting and good visuals so 7/10
Captain America - Good movie waiting for the Avengers  ;D

--- End quote ---

Yeah scott Pilgrim is ok and i agree about the green lantern

Little shop...Little shop of horrors!
Little shop...Little shop of terrors!

I loved the fact that Daft Punk was in Tron Legacy, such an awesome movie!

Well to make a list of every movie i ever watched, is going to be hard.
But the ones i recently saw are:
- Deathnote part 1 & 2
- Hangover part 1 & 2
- Final destination 5
- Harry Potter part 1 - 8


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