Entertainment > Other Entertainment

Which SciFi universe would you live in?

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Pretty self-explanatory.

1) Which universe?
2) What sort of person/ role/ job would you be?
3) Where would you live and possibly work?

Personally, I find it extremely hard to decide between:

1) Star Trek
2) To progress through the ranks on a starship, commanded by a well-respected captain
3) Mostly on said starship, but I would have a home on Earth somewhere


1) Star Wars
2) To grow up and train as a Jedi in the Old Republic, before any of the dramatic crap happens
3) Coruscant

Now I know a lot of you must have some geeky fantasies like this, so spill it.

NB: Pokemon is not SciFi, choosing that is cheating. SciFi-based anime like Ghost in the Shell is fine.

If people reply in this thread, I might expand on my reasons, but I don't have the time right now.

I cannot believe I am saying this, but Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, is probably one of the places I wouldn't live; it's a great place to read about, but I don't really fantasize about it.

And please people, I know this will probably sound like a cop-out since this is so new, but as a highly analytical person, who delves into story telling from a backgroundish perspective (if that makes any sense) I would have to choose

2)a Na'vi philosopher/teacher, I would teach the young ones about the way of the world, while at the same time, continue to explore it myself, and most importantly connect with nature

that, or

1)Star Wars
2)A jedi (in either the pre clone wars, or the New Republic after Luke Skywalker started the new Jedi Academy) who spends most of his time connecting with the spiritual nature of the universe. I would wander through the universe, moving from planet to planet, teaching padowan's as I went. Periodically I would return to the Jedi Academy and work there instead; teaching either martial arts (with the force of course), or philosophy of life.
3)long since forgotten (unnecessary)

I'm sure their are other SciFi universe's that I fantasize about, but I cannot recall them right now, so perhaps I will have to change my answer later. Normally, SciFi isn't my fantasy point, generally I fantasize more about various other worlds, some that are based off of something, some that are in my own mind; perhaps we will have to make some other threads about those universes as well.

1) Star Wars

2) None of that dramatic-ness of the movies. I'd probably be some kind of explorer, wandering the universe in search of treasure, adventure and...other stuff that catches my fancy. I'd probably write books along the way, and would most likely get into everyone's business as a way to pass the time.

3) I'd live wherever I could afford.  :P

Not sure if "I am Legend" counts but here I go..
EDIT: Sorry, I didn't see your template thing
1)I am Legend
2)Defender of all things living :)
3)I'd like to live on an island like the Isle of Wight. (easy to defend)

The Fireball Kid:
Dragonball Z. Much easier to conquer the whole world with those powers.


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