Creative Discussions > Roleplay Corner

(OOCC) Forsaken RP

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my friend told me that it sounds really creepy when the cicadas are making noise. true?

the rps pretty much at a standstill.....the last post was like, 3 weeks ago.

yeah pretty much, I just haven't been feeling it

i was enjoying it...

Mkay, I hate to do this, but I have other ideas I want to explore, this was more of a test run R.P for me, and it worked fine for what it was, but now that I know how this works, I think a better more developed story is in order

Jerry, I would like you to lock the R.P, I'm done with it and am not planning on continuing it any time soon

The next one though will be far better than this one was, frankly I was disappointed with Forsaken, It could of been a lot better...

so yeah, its time to put this one to bed already


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