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EZ OUT for ever

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I'm not interested in gaming anymore and i'm quitting all forms of online forums and gaming, so good bye PU. hopefully when you are released you are the game i wanted to play 2 years ago when i first joined on some other account. I have a job and i'm gonna work out for the next 5 months to prepare my self for my school soccer team. I have no time for this anymore as all it will do is get in the way of my goal. Good bye.

Ugh.. i hate posts like this. Do you honestly think that with a new job and sport you will have no time to jump on a website for a couple minutes? Do you plan on never using the internet again? Do you not think that other people here dont have jobs or lives for that matter and thats why we are here? I dont know you personally and dont care for you leaving but the level of ignorance you're showing here annoys me. And just like all the other childs who make posts like this, you will be back once you realize you over-exaggerated. Good bye to you too.

Viper is right. I'm sure you can find atleast an hour or so of time to spend online. Just because you play soccer and work out, dosen't mean you can't have a little online fun. Here is an Idea:
If you are serious about health and working out, than you eat large meals to fufill your body's need for more calories, right? Than while eating, you should have time to go online. You can "multitask".

I'm usually on this forum like 15 minutes a week. And I don't really go on any other forums. I pretty much consider myself away from this forum. I still am here posting this. Now, I respect your decision of focusing on other stuff, and I've been through the same, there were a couple forums, years ago, where I had nearly 2.000 posts and I felt how it took time from me, as I spent hours on them.

That time's past. I'm not sure if that's what you're doing on PU aswell but if it is I'm sure you can just cut that to checking the forum every 5 days for 10 minutes each time.


I don't get it.  I attend college full time, work part time, have a Gf aaaaaaaaaaaand play in a band.  I still find time for an online forum.  It's pretty EZ.

I have a real -chansey busy- life, and the PU forums, Irc and now PO server help me unwind from some crazy days (Oh, I also bar hop pretty regularly.  That helps to.) 

Well anyway, peace out.  You seemed like a good guy making me banners and stuff.  It's just the way you chose your words, made it seem like you think people on an online forum like PU have no lives, and that's far from true.


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