Creative Discussions > Roleplay Corner

[OOC] In a corrupted world

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Noticed, and posted what I got ;D

Love the idea! I sent a profile in, but won't be able to post until about 1:00 today. See you all then!

Mr. Fox:
Solx your post is hard to read, please use paragraphs, or some other format to make the reading easier.

K. Sorry... My teacher tells me not to use paragraphs unless there are timeskips... :| I know it's hard. I'll edit it ^^

There.. Won't be back before tomorrow morning... Hope someone have posted some by then :)

I'll be humming Beethoven if you need me. ;D

Edit: I know that Latios and Latias are supposed to be able to see what the other sees, but I don't know if Aqua and I will be able to do that here. Just thought I should ask.


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