Creative Discussions > Art Work

A new signature maker


Yo, it zorocario. I new to to signature making. I only made four and i still learning to use the software.

I made this for Dantizzle

This is mine guilmon signature. It hard to find any other Digimon lovers

Yume Tsuki:
You just take paint, paste some stuff in it and looks quite terrbile thanks to the JPG images that either leave ugly white spots, or you desperately try to draw in the background yourself.

I suggest that you look for pictures labeled "Render" for your work, as well as a program like GIMP to make signatures.

I know you are new to signature making but I suggest you take a look at tutorials(which are different depending on software) on layers, selecting, and redrawing and just the general stuff. I don't know what software you are using, but I recommend going with ^^gimp unless you already have photoshop.

Bad for a start. NEVER USE PAINT TO MAKE A SIGNATURE. Use photoshop. I can give you free, just PM me if you want...

Miss Wednesday:
I use some paint in my sigs, yeah try Gimp like I told you and erase the background of pictures, and to make sure there's not white spots zoom in C:good luck Zorocario ^^"


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