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[RP] Return of Plasma [Time: Afternoon | Weather: Sunny]

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Return of Plasma


A while after the disband of Team Rocket from Kanto and Johto, came Team Plasma that appeared on Unova, they objective was one, releasse all the pokemon from the people to achieve their objective of controling every person in the world with the Legendary Pokemon Zekrom (yes im following pokemon Black story) without anyone able to opose them. This plan was ruined thanks to a young trainer who was chossen by Reshiram, who battled againsnt Z, who was chossen by Zekrom, and won, making all the plans of Team Plasma being ruined.

(The Next part will happen when it starts)

3 Years after, deeply undeground, some Team Plasma members remained, and rebuilted their organization, appearing on the Johto region in mass and more agressive*, making everyone fear to show their own pokemon on the streets, even searching for more legendary pokemon to control.

* - by Agreesive i dont mean kill people to get their pokemon, i mean more active in getting everyone's pokemon or trying to convince people to give away their pokemon.


The rules are simple.

-No Killing of players without consent.
-No Modding without explicit consent.
-No Flaming of any real-world group.
-Posts must have something to do with the story, so no OOCC posts here.
-Posts can have OOCC, but it must be very brief; 1-2 sentences. Longer posts should go in the OOCC page.
-Your character can be from anywhere.
-No OPing. This rule is handled with a 3-strikes sort of enforcement.
-Post must use proper grammar and punctuation. (i wont bug if its missing a Period or something, only will if the post cant be understood by other posters)
-Keep your posts with a 3 full senteces minimum (one liners are realy sucky...)

-Just because you are a trainer or a good organization member, that doesnt mean you have to win agaisnt Team Plasma member every time, pleasse be thoughtfull and make it a 50/50 win/lose ratio, otherwise, no one will want to be a Team Plasma Member/Leader


JerryEDIT: Approved.


A while after the disband of Team Rocket from Kanto and Johto, came Team Plasma that appeared on Unova, they objective was one, releasse all the pokemon from the people to achieve their objective of controling every person in the world with the Legendary Pokemon Zekrom (yes im following pokemon Black story) without anyone able to opose them. This plan was ruined thanks to a young trainer who was chossen by Reshiram, who battled againsnt Z, who was chossen by Zekrom, and won, making all the plans of Team Plasma being ruined.

3 years later

In the Special Pokemon Police Force, in a room with a couple of people, one stands up explaing the situation of the world, from information that was gathered after 3 years of information gathering, the one standing was the chief explaining to 2 detectives and one younger kid.

Chief " So this is the situation, if the information about the Team Plasma is real, we must follow it,  but... they are more cautious this time, so we need a undercover detective, since... you two are allready known by them... we are sending her undercover as a trainer who would start her journey, we will hand her a pokemon to start."

He motions to Alex, who was a 16 year old detective, specialist in undercover missions, but she was confused, why would they send her? the more she thought about it the more the chief and the other two detectives spoke between them, for what i looked like, the detectives were her parents, who were objecting about sending her alone, the more she was quiet thinking, the more the voices in the room were raised, she was getting tired of it and slamed the table with her hand, looking at them with serious eyes.

"Im Going, and thats end of discussion"

A day later as the sun rose from the horizon, she gets ready, dressing like a boy, putting on a hat for better disguise, then as she was leaving, her mother goes to her and hugs her, giving a pokeball to her

Mother " Be well sweetie... if anything happens pleasse call me right away... here is the pokemon that i was asked to hand to you, its a basic pokemon so people wont notice much, you need to get more to fight Team Plasma if you have to."

Alex nods and turns, getting on the plane, getting, then it takes off, off to New Bark Town.

Later that day, she arrives in the plane, she looks arround as she leaves the plane and sighs

"Okay... im here... now... to find Professor Elm lab... he should be the one to help me if they did sent the message..."

(pleasse remember and keep in mind, i say SHE but she is disguised and talks like a boy, only her face might looks like a girl face, and looks realy like a girl without her hat on, and i intent to keep her disguise for a long time)

Mr. Fox:
"Dear Diary:

It has been three months since the incident, and I am still no closer to discovering the true meaning of the connection between humans that call them selves "Pokemon Trainers" and their Pokemon slaves. It frustrates me to no end knowing that somewhere out there is the answer to the question that lingers over my head. Today I plan on traveling with Durant to Mahogany Town to participate in our first "Pokemon Battle". I am curious to discover if these "Pokemon Battles" are the source of the strong bond "Pokemon Trainers" claim to have with their pokemon. I will write my results tonight after I have studied them better."

I put my diary in a secret drawer in my desk and stood up. It was a half day journey to Mahogany Town and I needed to be back before night fall. As I stepped out of my house Durant was waiting for me. With out a word being spoken he started to follow me to Mahogany Town, this is how it's been for three months, Durant following me wherever I go.

Fwuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun. Fwuuuuuuuuun. The horn of the S.S. Aqua sounded as it pulled into the Olivine City port. A pink-haired girl stood on the deck with her Pokemon, looking out at the sea and chatting one-sidedly with a Lapras, her Lapras.
 "Hey Lazuli, we're bringing it in! Meet us over at the pier, won't ya?"
The Lapras nodded, understanding as Laprases do, and swam to meet her trainer and friends at the beach by the pier.

The girl inhaled the salty sea air. "We're finally back in Johto, guys," she said. "Home sweet home!" She turned to look around. "Is everyone accounted for?"
Let's see.... Lazuli, check. Faye, check. Zephyr, check. Donovan, check. Kachi, check. Zia.... "Zia!?" Chansey, where was that darn Ampharos? "Zia!"
Hearing his name called, the overly curious Ampharos took his mind off exploring to join his trainer and the rest of the group.
"Alright everyone, here's the game plan--we go say hi to Jas--"
Suddenly the girl's pokegear began to ring. The pink-haired girl answered it. "Yeah, Mom?"
"Daisy! Are you back in Johto yet?"
"Yeah--just got off the S.S. in Olivine, so I'm close by!"
"I'm glad you're back. Your dad, grandma, and I have been worried about you."
"Come on, it was just Unova! And Gram couldn't have been that worried. So did you need something?"
"Well yeah, do you think you could head home? Don't Fly here, because I'd like you to pick up some Moomoo Milk from the farm on your way, but please don't take detours."
The conversation continued for a good few minutes, when Daisy hung up with a click.
"Change of plans. It's straight back to Ecruteak for us." Daisy frowned. "Lazuli, sorry girl, but since land is not comfortable for you, return!"

Once the Lapras had been returned to her pokeball, Daisy headed off on her errand, wondering all the while if she should have bought some Xtransceivers while in Unova.

Anyone who saw the trainer with the candy-pink hair probably laughed at the sight. The girl led the way with a bouncing Riolu at her heels, an Espeon stepping proudly at her right-hand side, a Pikachu and Ampharos casually following behind, and a Dragonite carrying a large bag while flying a few yards behind. It definitely wasn't usual around Johto to have more than one companion Pokemon outside their pokeball at a time, to say the least.

After picking up the Milk, Daisy had the group return to their pokeballs except for the Dragonite. "Zephyr, Fly for me?"

Reaching home, it wasn't even a full two minutes before Daisy was again sent off on an errand to Mahogany town with a list of things to buy from the old merchant woman.

"Missed me, huh? Worried about me, huh... Aish, Mom!"
Dismounting Zephyr in the tiny, quiet town, Daisy let her friends out of their pokeballs except for Lazuli. She would take a break at the Lake of Rage later to let the Lapras stretch out her fins.

Mr. Fox:
It was about high noon as I entered Mahogany. I looked around for the "Gym" I had learned was located in this town. A few people passed me and Durant they snapped some pictures and went on their ways. I was out of my element, being a life long Plasma member I had never even watched a battle before, now here I was looking for one. I had no idea what to do, perhaps there is an information center somewhere, where I can find out its location. I set off looking for any source of information hoping to get one step closer to answering my question.

(If you want Hunagiku you can see a guy wandering around looking completely lost.)


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