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Pokemon Zoo

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--- Quote from: boyben10 on February 16, 2010, 10:04:36 PM ---
--- Quote from: Phosphorous on February 15, 2010, 04:04:17 PM ---

Anyways you know pokemon like Primeape, Aracanine, Sudowodo, ect

--- End quote ---

Yes, imagine going to  a zoo and seeing a tree in a cage.

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lol well i thought an empty cage with a sign that says Klecleon would be pretty funny xD
(forgive me if i misspelled his name :P)

Those would be pretty funny in fact... imagine there is a guide there, (s)he tells you

"See that pokemon?"
"Can't see..."
"Wah! A moving tree!!!" :D

And Phosphorous, it's Kecleon :)

Poke Zoo is a very interesting idea, and as Mr_Dark said, something useless, but fun. It would be a great place for trainers to gather, and for non-ultimate poke fans to get to know some basic, and some reare, maybe even one shiny pokemon. But legendary... NO :o! Legends are MENT to be special by being seen only a few times in game! You should make Zoo more interesting, like adding a qest in it ::). In the qest, you would have to find Pokemon, wich bad guys (which ever team) had stollen. It would be a beginner qest (easy to make) and you would get some ordinary items from it and some money.
There could allso be events held at Poke Zoo,...

i like it, not really a useful thing towards gameplay really, but still a fuin thing to have and would probably be a great place for Rp (if there is going to be RP) or just somewer to hang out.

I agree that is a pretty cool idea. It really can help out the newbies. I can also see this becoming a popular stop/hangout for people. But I do wonder if that would induce lagging because of the amount of people gathering?
Other than that great idea :)


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