Creative Discussions > Art Work

One Piece/Pokémon Fusion sprites

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great work.

Yume Tsuki:
Although I can say that I do recognize all characters I cannot say this is good work.

You just added some stuff without any shading included making the sprites look a bit flat. You didn't even take the time to put an outline. And the biggest sin of all: you used default paint colours, these can be quite annoying for people with pretty sensitive eyes because the bright colours may give a burning feeling.


--- Quote from: Yukimenoko on March 11, 2012, 05:56:46 PM ---Although I can say that I do recognize all characters I cannot say this is good work.

You just added some stuff without any shading included making the sprites look a bit flat. You didn't even take the time to put an outline. And the biggest sin of all: you used default paint colours, these can be quite annoying for people with pretty sensitive eyes because the bright colours may give a burning feeling.

--- End quote ---

I did use shading actually (except on the Machop's hat), but it's not very easy to see...


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