Creative Discussions > Pokémon Roleplay

[PROFILES]Pokemon Dragon Dungeon RP

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Here is where you put your profiles after you took the yeah here's some skeletons:
Username:(PU name)
Character name:
Moves:(Look it up in Pokemon Handbooks and stuff)
Scars:(Pretty much like an appearence)
Personality:(Like gentle and nice)
Pokemon:(What Pokemon are you?)

Team Napa
Character name:
Rank:(Everyone starts at Rank 1=Pupil.I will tell you when you ranked up)
Team Napa trainer name:(Choose whatever you want, but don't copy stuff like Giovanni or Ash)
Pokemon:(What Pokemon are you?)
[OOCC] Pokemon Dragon Dungeon will be here soon!


Pokémon Universe Username: lucifer
Character name: Marisa Draconi

Starting Pokémon: Absol
Moves: Feint, Scratch, Leer (Assuming Gen. V moveset at Level 5)

Appearance: Tall (5'10"), slim, pale-skinned, black hair, brown eyes.  Black top, black skirt (mid-thigh), black cloak, black half-gloves, black stiletto heels, utility belt (with Poké Balls, of course), wristwatch.  Often appears annoyed; almost never smiles.
Age: ~21

Personality: Marisa is quiet and analytical.  She tends to keep to herself and is unlikely to ally herself with someone else (barring her Pokémon, of course) without an ulterior motive.  Her softer side is carefully hidden away beneath a thick layer of metaphorical ice; only those whom Marisa holds dear ever see her affectionate, inner self.  Her Absol, nicknamed Yin, is among these rare few.

Notes: As a Dungeon Master, I place a lot of emphasis on character development, as I'm sure you've noticed.  If there's anything here that conflicts with the storyline that you have in mind, let me know and I will revise it so that it fits.

It works! :) But are you a human or a Pokemon? Your appearence for Pokemon Dragon Dungeon is scars and color of eyes.

I hadn't realized you'd wanted it to be like Mystery Dungeon; I'd assumed the skeleton was intended for human characters.  In that case, this particular Absol has a scar that straddles its left eye.  The personality is about the same.

Perfect!:) Thanks for fixing it.


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