Creative Discussions > Pokémon Roleplay

[Pending] Life as a pokemon

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      You are a pokemon or human in a strange region, in a world different to the regular pokemon world, the other pokemon (who aren't you) are all crazed and mad with anger, for at the moment , no apparrent reason. In this different world, instead of having multiple different regions like the regular pokemon world, (which it used to be) all the regions have combined and created a 'super region' allowing all the pokemon to live in the same place.
      If you are a pokemon, that has not been caught you are special and has a larger variation of moves that you can learn making pokemon like Unfezant have the ability to learn sky drop unlike the normal pokemon, this is due to the fact that you, living in this 'super region' have evolved and changed because you have adapted to the change and learned much more, each of the different pokemon from the different regions each taught each other different moves, like Chandelure teaching Rapidash flame burst. You are also special because unlike most pokemon in this world, who are mad with anger, you are calm and can think strategies and work together, complimenting each others own skills.
      You have always lived knowing that you should stay away from humans since they hate you and they're jealous, as they do not have the ability to use attacks and have the the ability to move like pokemon or capability to fly like a bird. Which leads them to want to become superior to you. Now, the humans have found their answer on how to become more superior, somehow they have found a way to catch pokemon, through pokeballs as they call it, created by silph co. Now the humans are enslaving them and forcing them to betray their own race and attack the other pokemon to help the humans capture even more pokemon. Although strangely they have been unable to capture you or anyone special like you, the pokeballs, which are in the most basic form, are designed by mostly how smart the pokemon is, as they don't have anything to weaken the pokemon first, which is why they can't catch you, but they continue to try and soon they will upgrade they're pokeballs so they can catch you. In a way, you could think this is another team like team rocket or plasma, but it's worse than that, once they have caught all the pokemon, they will take over this world with their new found 'toys.' Their final plan, after they take over the world is to destroy all of the pokemon. So now you pick, are you an evil human, are you a pokemon, or are you a caught pokemon?

      In a dream, you all see this,
      "Professor, the pokeball has been finished." A man in a lab coat says, he places a briefcase on the table in front of the professor, "this pokeball is our strongest yet, it took almost all of our resources to create it, I'm afraid it might be quite a while before we can create another."
      "Don't worry, I'll only need one, soon the strongest pokemon will be mine, then it'll only be a matter of time before each of their pawns fall, one-by-one, until we have captured them all, then they will all be destroyed." The professor says this while snapping the pencil he had in his hand, then he places the two halves of the pencil on the edge of the table, and opens the briefcase. Inside is a strange purple pokeball, with lighter purple circles on the parts above and to the left and above to the right of the middle button, and above the middle button is a strangely menacing, 'M.' The professor slides the briefcase over and it knocks the pencil halves off the table. As though it were a movie, your eyes follow the pencil halves and in slow motion clatter on the ground and then the dream ends.

Skeleton for pokemon:
PU name:
Pokemon name:(nothing OP or anything like that, can't be a legendary, or evolved pokemon, or a shiny)
Nickname: optional
Moves: (max 3 for beginning)
Looks: (optional, only for if you want it to look different than the regular pokemon)
Caught by Humans?: Yes or No? (if you were caught than you work with them and don't think like uncaught pokemon, unless you get caught sometime during the RP)

Skeleton for human:
PU name:
Character name:
Pokemon and move set(3 max): (for the beginning only one, it can be made up or one of the pokemon that chose to be caught in the beginning)
Looks: No need for pics
Rank: are you a grunt or commander? (maximum 4 commanders)

Post your skeleton here and I must approve of it for you to be in the rp
there can be two of the same pokemon, just not three
I will tell you when you can evolve
No major swears
No killing of other players, (although pokemon can't die anyways)
You cannot control another player through your post, only whoever you posted.
(Please don't do this) up to two controllable characters per person (any more will not be accepted, if you do, do this be sure to specifically say who is doing something or talking.

I am a newb so if I'm doing anything wrong please just tell me

PU name: Helper08
Pokemon name: Shinx
Nickname: Sphinx
Personality: Smart and open minded, can think through tough circumstances, he is nice and  knows a lot of pokemon and are friends with them because of it. He is a strong fighter, but his stamina isn't that good,
Moves: tackle, bite and tail whip
Looks: One of his ears is spiked and the black on the back part of his body doesn't abruptly end, instead it spikes out into the blue
Caught by Humans?: No

I'll leave the Moderaters to it but I would say add a little bit more on the Story-line, but again I leave it to the Moderaters.

Skeleton for pokemon:
PU name:Jake101
Pokemon name:Riolu
Nickname:Spirit Rebel
Personality:Nice and brave, but shy at the same time.
Moves: Strength, Cut, and Quick Attack
Looks: Lavender eyes, with 2 scars along his right eye.
Caught by Humans?: No.

Evil humans??? NICE! No, you are not a newb... Because it's a little bit better then mine...


--- Quote from: Jake101 on July 01, 2012, 07:03:35 PM ---
Skeleton for pokemon:
PU name:Jake101
Pokemon name:Riolu
Nickname:Spirit Rebel
Personality:Nice and brave, but shy at the same time.
Moves: Aura blast, Cut, and Tackle
Looks: Lavender eyes, with 2 scars along his right eye.
Caught by Humans?: No.

--- End quote ---
good but when I meant moves that most can't learn I meant like moves they can't learn by leveling, like sky drop for an unfezant (although of course you can't have unfeazant now)
other than that it's good, let's just hope the moderators like it



OK I can Modify it if you want...actually, I will.

*blushes*I spelled "actually" right this time...

I really think it's bland... so unless things get changed, this will remain into Pending status.


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