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[Profiles] "End of the World" Pokemon RP

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--- Quote from: The-Blades-slave on August 06, 2012, 07:16:17 AM ----Trainer
User Name- The-Blades-Slave
Character Name- Tylan Hakima
Age- 18
Goal- To protect his younger brother and find his sister.
Personality- He is a very quiet person. He doesn't easily trust and befriend people or pokemon, but when he does he becomes extremely protective of him.
Pokemon- , Machop, Nuzleef
Bio- His parents divorced when he was young. He went to live with his father in Snow point city, while Daylin moved to Sandgem town with his mother. His father specialized in ice types, which made Tylan decide he wanted to specialize in them as well. One day he went to visit his brother in Sandgem town and ran into his half sister Umbrea. He thought nothing of it, persona;;y not caring much for her, but his father seemed nervous. When they arrived at his mothers house they found her dead, killed by Umbrea who had a cowering Daylin cornered. She quickly killed Tylan father, then slashed Tylan across the back as he shielded Daylin. She left them for dead and Tylan raised Daylin by himself. No at the age of eighteen and sixteen they head to Twinleaf. Tylan to begin his journey, Daylin because he had graduated the police academy and had been assigned there..
Appearance- He is 6', with very pale skin and light blue hair that droops slightly into his pure white pupiless eyes. He has a scar that travels across his back, which he received from his older sister in a fight. He is dressed in a dark blue t-shirt and loose black jeans with pockets down the sides and shiny black combat boots.

User Name-The-Blades-Slave
Character Name- Officer Daylin Hakima
Goal- To protect the weak like his brother protected him.
Personality- Very hot headed, he is loyal and makes friends rather quickly.
Pokemon- , Onyx
Bio- (Read Tylans)
Appearance-Appearance: He is 5'10 with red hair that hangs lightly into his fiery red eyes, and his skin is a slight shade darker than Tylans. He usually dresses in black jeans with pockets down the sides, a red t-shirt and black combat boots.

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--- Quote from: lubbies on August 07, 2012, 04:53:01 PM ----Officer
User Name- Lubbies
Character Name- Officer Zander
Age- 17
Goal-he really only wants to help.
Personality- Easily bored, quiet and shy
Bio- Officer Zander never really knew his parents. He was told that they were great officers, but were turned by the evil organizations. He doesn't know, or he doesn't really want to know as he is perfectly happy the way he was. A short while ago he noticed one of the evil origanization agents and he saw the bad things that he did. From then on he aspired to be one of the officers and protect people from the evil organizations.
Appearance- Medium/long brown hair with a lighter brown streak more or less in the middle, 6"3" with fingerless gloves, white shirt with top two buttons undone and long baggy jeans with small rips at the bottom. (I'm guessing there's a uniform but this is only temporary.)


Username- Lubbies
Character name- Zack
Age- 16
Goal- To be a certified breeder.
Personality- Very loud, adventurous, likes the ladies and sounds sarcastic most of the time.
Bio- Zack only discovered breeding not to long ago, but when he knew about it he thought it was quite awesome. When he was very young his father. Also a crazy breeder sent him to a breeding school in Sinnoh. He remembered his father's face but forgot his name. He had two nearly always closed eyes and spiky hair. He didn't know him much though. He admired breeding and learned quite well and he found that he was crazily attracted to girls.
Appearance- dark brown Brown, flattish hair. 6"1" Quite well built, he wears dark olive jeans with black sneakers, he has a maroon shirt with a grey zip up jacket.

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Approved! I fixed most of the spelling mistakes and grammar errors for you lubbies.


--- Quote from: Meowth on August 07, 2012, 09:49:07 PM ---- Team Rocket/Galactic member.
User Name- Meowth
Character Name-Mikto
Team-Team rocket
goal-to collect a blood sample of every pokemon..and what better way to do it than joining a evil organization?!
Personality- demented, evil, blood thirsty, crazy...
Bio- Mikto has always been...odd... he has a bit of a obsession with....erm...blood....pokemon blood to be exact... it all started when he saw a battle between a criminal and officer, teh criminals pokemon was ruthless, and spread the enemy's blood...mikto was fascinated by the blood too.... so a few years later, what does he do? he tries and join a evil organization! like any blood thirsty person will do! he has always had a fondness of zubats too, with them being able to suck blood and all... he wants to collect a blood type from every pokemon... he will do anything to get the samples, he has even gone so far to find ways to kill the pokemon for the samples...
Appearance- currently in public normally wearing a black jacket, with the hood on. when he needs to go on missions, he will simply go to a safe place, and take it off. and after it, when running away, find a safe place, and change. he hopes this will work. it probably won't. BECAUSE A RANDOM GUY WALKING OUT OF SOMWHERE ISN' T SUSPICIOUS AT ALL.

User Name- Meowth
Character Name- Efialtes(AKA Officer in training efi/efialtes)
Goal- To catch and or kill mikto..make him pay...
Personality- Shy, very sarcastic, and very aggressive when a Pokemon is in danger..
Pokemon-, Drifloon
Bio- Efialtes always loved Pokemon, so he would periodically go out to play with them, or just watch, recently something happened that...disturbed him. he was watching a mudkip play in the water, when someone came out and killed it...he didn't know the name of the person, but he remembers that face... right after that happened he ran to the nearest police station, he begged all of the officers to help him, or at least let him join them so he could find the guy.. well, one officer had compassion on the boy and basically said. "Why not?" and let him in..
Appearance- young boy a normal officer uniform..

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--- Quote from: The-Blades-slave on August 10, 2012, 09:35:27 PM ----Trainer
User Name-The-Blades-Slave
Character Name- Baylee
Goal-  To become a strong trainer and take on the elite four.
Personality-  She is courageous when battling, but is very shy and quiet out of battle.
Pokemon- , Ponyta
Bio- Her fathers was once a great trainer, but due to an incident with Team Rocket he retired, passsing a baby Bulbasaur onto her as a gift. Since the Bulbasaur was young she would take him outside, playing with him and teaching him to battle. At the age of ten she set off on her journey, but quickly ran back after Bulbasaur was knocked out by a flock of Starly. Now at the age of seventeen she has left her home town of Jubilife and decided to try again.
Appearance- She is 5'9, with radiant blonde hair that flows to her shoulders. Her eyes are Icy blue, and her skin sslightly pale. She wears black sneakers, always tied in perfect knots. Faded jeans with rips at the knees, and a purple tank top.

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--- Quote from: Fenror on August 11, 2012, 06:19:32 AM ---Here's my new character:

User Name-Fenror
Character Name-Officer Celine Looker
Goal- To bring justice to Team Rocket and Galactic, to find out what became of her family, and to make Sinnoh a better place
Personality- Generally happy, friendly, loves pokemon, never misses a chance to help others
Pokemon- , Lotad
Bio- Jack Looker's older cousin, she had always been close to him. When she was ten, her parents mysteriously passed away, and so Jack's family had taken her in. She had left to join the police force at age sixteen, close to win Jack's father died, after which, she lost contact with the family. She has currently made it her goal to find out what became of her parents, and to make Sinnoh a better place.

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Approved Hope you can keep up with 2...Also make sure in your first post to state what city you are in..


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