Official Forums > News & Announcements


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Awesome. I look forward to what you guys will show off.

Also, to everyone else, I posted some new things to show you guys what we have planned. One is the rough maps. You guys can now contribute work related to maps with the frame of reference for the beta.

The second are pokedex entries. It's my own take on the simplest feature of all. Identifying a pokemon. I hope you guys have a lot of fun with it.

At the moment, there's not really anything I can do to help. However, I am currently learning C#, and will be familiarizing myself with C++ when I'm done with my C# class. I'm also beginning to learn about the inner workings of Linux, so if you guys need help with a Linux version of the game, or need programmers in the future, I would be more than happy to help. Other than that, I don't really have anything else to offer. I'll try my hand at writing some quests, but I don't think it's really my thing.

I hope we can somehow get things moving a bit, and hopefully attract veterans and new members to the forums again. I've been checking in once in a while for over a year now. It's strange to see the forums so empty. A few years ago, these forums were brimming with activity, but now it's like a ghost town here. The problem is, I don't really know what can be done to catch people's attention besides making progress on the game, which will be difficult without more people on the dev team.

I've always wanted to help with the game, but haven't had either the proper talent or time. Regardless, I love this site, and the RP section has taught me plenty of things about writing, especially in dealing with my characters, that I would have been hard pressed to learn anywhere else. I've already spoken to a few people before about how I would like to help around with quest writing as much as I can for the game, and I would have submitted several of my own by now, but this is the busiest time of the year for me. If I can scrounge together the time, I'll see what I can contribute, but I know that I should be able to help with pokedex entries. In fact, if I can manage it, I plan to do a MAJOR amount of work in this section. I've been profiling characters for the novel I'm working on for a week or two straight now, so it's right up my alley, and is something I can do rather comfortably. Doing all 700+ on my own isn't likely going to happen, but I can do a good bit, I'm willing to put a little of my writing work on the side to help. Keep up the hard work!

Alright, saying it. We are in need of mappers. To anyone that is reading this, if you know anyone with any mapping or artistic skill, please lead them here, and specifically to the rough map thread. Some of you think you can't contribute. The major thing that is needed is getting the word out, and every one can do that. Post it, send it, grab a friend, whatever you can think of. Simply telling people what is happening here is enough, and will be greatly appreciated. I want to see this game released and thriving, you guys want to play something different than any other pokemon MMORPG. If we all work together, and put enough effort behind it, we can make this great thing happen.

Oh man, this makes me feel really bad for never actually logging in... I always check in on the project from time to time  but... At any rate, for years and years now, this project has held a special place in my trainer heart. It represents an incredible opportunity and has the potential to be exponentially larger than any Pokemon game to date and that excites me immensely. Sure, Nintendo has been letting us battle other trainers since day one and they've been making it easier and easier with each generation, especially with this latest one, but Pokemon Universe stands ready to bask on a whole other level. Again, thinking about that gets my mind racing with excitement. The thought of the unbridled freedom that Universe offers and the idea of a world with no 'endgame' that has the potential to constantly evolve is something I couldn't bear to lose or miss out on. Think about Bethesda recently and The Elder Scrolls Online. I haven't properly checked it out yet but from I know it takes everything fans love about the previous individual games and opens it all up at once with the bonus of being around other people in an open world who love it just like you do. Universe is to Pokemon what TESO is to Tamriel and as an avid MMO player, I can definitely say that  once finished, it stands to be a grand experience and adventure that few trainers have experienced before. (I say few because the developers have experienced it of course. XD) I could go on and on, but I don't think it's necessary. I'll finish by saying that maybe Universe hasn't QUITE gotten as much publicity and attention as it deserves, but that doesn't make it any less amazing and full of potential. Hang in there because you'll never know how great this could be until it's finished (or at least in an open beta state).


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