Creative Discussions > Roleplay Corner

Election of RP moderator [Election Over]

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Miss Wednesday:
I nominate Blades =w=


--- Quote from: GameBoy Advanced on April 02, 2014, 11:05:41 PM ---Are we allowed to nominate other people?

If so, I nominate blades, as he has a hand in just about every RP, and is generally good at defusing situations.

Or setting them off like an atom bomb.

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Sorry, I guess I should have mentioned it, but I believe that the candidate has to make the first step. I don't want people to be voting on someone who doesn't want to become a moderator. You sure can then 'add on' to their introduction, in a way where you are strengthening their points (if any) or adding those that the nominee missed that you think is a strong point.

To Humen:

--- Quote from: Humen on April 03, 2014, 01:03:19 AM ---I am hereby nominating myself as moderator of the RolePlay boards.

Cause you know, Why not?

--- End quote ---

Sure can!

Just a little question:
What do you think is the best way to act if there's a newcomer who starts an RP without having apparently read the current rules? (i.e. No prior moderator approval and wrong formatting? Everything else seems okay, the plot seems borderline satisfactory.

To foodonfloor:

--- Quote from: foodonfloor on April 03, 2014, 01:54:02 AM ---I am hereby nominating myself as moderator of the RolePlay boards.

I put some thought into it, and decided to run. I began and am still sort of spearheading the RP section revival, and so I think that it makes sense for me to become a mod and help in overseeing that those changes are made, as well as help to continue to improve the section. I've been in enough RPs to know what is needed to succeed, and can provide valuable tips and help for both GMs and RPers alike. I've been writing for a rather long time now, since early elementary school, and would love to use my experience to help others who share that same passion, and in becoming a mod, I would be able to do so more effectively. Plus, now that my schedule's cleared up a bit, I'll be able to be around the site far more often than I have been in the past couple of months.

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Thanks! Your username was added to the list.

And a question for you too!
Becoming a moderator will grant you to some new tools; namely editing other people's posts, moving posts, sticking threads, locking threads and even deleting them. When do you think that deleting a thread is the right thing to do?

I am hereby nominating myself as moderator of the RolePlay boards.

Edit: It took me a while to think of why I'm qualified. I'm a pretty level-headed person, and I have a lot of experience with RPs. For the past year I've participated in most of the roleplays (Sub-GMing and helping create a majority of them.) I like to think I handled most of those situations well, and a lot of the people from those RPs can vouch for me. I spend a lot of time on the site as well, so I guess that's a plus.


--- Quote from: Jerry on April 03, 2014, 04:57:42 PM ---To Humen:
Sure can!

Just a little question:
What do you think is the best way to act if there's a newcomer who starts an RP without having apparently read the current rules? (i.e. No prior moderator approval and wrong formatting? Everything else seems okay, the plot seems borderline satisfactory.

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alright you put me on the spot here Jerr. Erm I guess if by formatting you mean that they havent added a clear OOCC/Profile section I guess I'd just take the backstory assuming there already been talk in that thread discussing charaters or whatever and change it to the OOCC and put the backstory of the RP in a new thread for hte story(and add a profile section for that person to fill out if need be). And just advice them that thats the proper format and to do that the next time they start an RP.


--- Quote from: Humen on April 05, 2014, 08:57:01 PM ---alright you put me on the spot here Jerr. Erm I guess if by formatting you mean that they havent added a clear OOCC/Profile section I guess I'd just take the backstory assuming there already been talk in that thread discussing charaters or whatever and change it to the OOCC and put the backstory of the RP in a new thread for hte story(and add a profile section for that person to fill out if need be). And just advice them that thats the proper format and to do that the next time they start an RP.

--- End quote ---

Thank you for the reply :) There's nothing against, you, I'm just trying to prepare you for the job if you want to become moderator.

I think that the best course of action would be to first change the title of the RP to add the tag [Pending], then add a post, linking to the rules, and explaining what is wrong: for example, pointing out that the RP should have [Pending] in the title until moderator approval, pointing out that the RP should have 2 more sections: OOCC and Profiles, and that profiles should go to the latter section.

Then you let them make the two separate sections, because if you do, they won't be able to do any edits on that first post (remember that regular users can make edits on their own posts only), so while you meant good, it could leave the user a bit confused. :)


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