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[Profiles] Dimension Veil's

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Username: Humen
Name: Clark Matthews
Age: 23
Personality: A bit cynical and pretty straight forward
Bio: Clarks always seen the world to be pretty mundane so he never cared much for what happen. Oddly enough though whenever Clark put effort into something he always seemed to come out on top. Naturally while he was in school something like this came in handy. He received the highest grades in his class and was a star athlete in high school he also gained a bit of a superiority complex as a result. But things changed when he entered college, the classes grew more difficult and Clark blamed the teachers and their methods for his hard time and eventually dropped out. Clark was unable to keep down a part time job seeing the menial work as beneath him, he moved back in with his parents. It was around that time Clark discovered astral battling, at first it seemed like a hoax but as it grew in popularity, Clark knew that this was the way to show the world what he was capable of. Though he didn't make it as far as he wanted in the last tourney this year he plans to go all the way.

Astral Being
Name: Yugo
World, or region: World of Ten
 •Portal Creation: Empowered by the force known as wakfu Yugo is able to create portals from his hands and toss them a short distance away from him. The portal will only connect to the next one generated.
 •Size Control: The portals can be made big enough to fit a grown man into and can be made larger at the expense of more wakfu.
 •Access: The portals will reject people who Yugo hasn’t allowed to pass through them doing a small amount of damage and repel whatever attempted to enter.
 •Breaking the Threshold: By repeatedly moving through the portals one after another Yugo can pick up momentum and moving seemingly as a ball of light thought not for lengthy durations.
 •Portal Blast: By overlapping a set of portals Yugo creates a powerful beam of energy.
 •Wakfu Sensing: By concentrating Yugo can enabling  a sixth sense that allows him to see without his eyes by perceiving the Wakfu around him, the Wakfu of living creatures, plants, and how it shapes the environment. Wakfu being his term for life force or something close to that.
Strength and weaknesses: Though fast and agile like any young child Yugo is still not the most capable melee fighter and can struggle against opponent who know how to keep up, but he is also crafty and knows how to use his portals in many resource ways.
 + Yugo is a young and active boy filled with energy, so he can perform various physical skills and activities, such as running, jumping, climbing, etc.
 + Yugo is clever in the way he uses his portal and knows how to use them to turn an enemy’s attack around.
 + Yugo is quick on his feet and can easily out maneuver an opponent even in the air with the use of his portals.
 - Yugo is still a child so physically melee combat is unfavorable to him
 - Yugo is trusting and could initially be tricked into perceiving someone as an ally prior to the start of combat.
Bio: One of the six Eliatrope guardians, Yugo was king of his people but after a traitor led to the destruction of their planet Yugo perished along with his brother. Centuries passed and eventually Yugo was reborn onto a new world. As he begun to rediscover his power he set out on an adventure of self-discovery learning the history of his people with his companions forming the  group, The Brotherhood of Tofu. Even though Yugo is young the feats he and his friends have made together are awe-inspiring.
Super movePiercing Portal Blast: Yugo harnesses the energy around him creating two large portals and begins overlapping them creating a large blast of energy doing more damage the farther it travels.  The blast passes through solid object and among large ones will leave behind a portal from where it entered and exited that last for a few seconds. After the attack Yugo must spend an extended amount of time to re-gather his wakfu, leaving him unable to use his magic and as helpless as any normal child in his situation.
Miscellaneous: Yugo actually has small ethereal wings connected to his head that allow him to fly, but hides them out of embarrassment under his hat.


--- Quote from: GoldForge on December 19, 2014, 05:24:39 AM --- Human
Username: GoldForge
Name:Alexa Lockhart
Personality: Not exactly the 'sociable' type. Likes to stay in her room to get away from the bustle of daily life, has a serious weak point for snacks, and hates to be dragged out to socialize.
Bio:Despite living deep in the heart of the city, Alexa would much rather stay at home curled up with a good video game than hit the town to meet up with friends. In fact, one could say that she had been plaged with 'the socially awkward curse', every attempt to converse with people or help 'real world people' ending in her being in a stuttery, nervous wreck. Eventually, not wanting to be a burden to anyone or make a fool out of herself, she shut herself away in her room to hide away from the terrors of socialization, only speaking to the outside world through an online alias, GoldForge. Then, one week... a dream that could only be described as a cross between an M.C. Escher work, a cave, and a mad scientist's lab smacked down in the middle of a scorching hellfire blaze repeated over and over for the next few days. Every time, a drone or two would whizz right past her head, and the blurry silhouette of an odd girl would sit among the flame-lit rocks, always seeming to be putting some strange mechanical creation together. Every night, she would doze off and return to the same dreamscape, the details growing more and more clear until the armored girl finally took notice of her prescence. With a sharp movement, the ghostly pale figure whipped her head around to face Alexa, piercing white-pupiled eyes beaming through the darkness like floodlights. Waking with a start, she managed to barely catch sight of a strange symbol etching itself into the back of her hand before she fell back to sleep once more. Little did she know, that was the exact moment where her life would change forever.

Chibis are a quicker way to draw the character. Bear with us, folks!

Astral Being
Name:Goldlock Crab
World, or region:Blackforge Rift, located in the Shattered Plateau.
Fidgets: From the moment Crab arrives in the arena, if the space allows, she sets off to find a particularily isolated area. From here, she will try to set up 2-3 basic drones from the scrap metal in her inventory. If successful, she will then send these drones out to hunt for the opponent while she searches for more scrap metal in order to reach her maximum of 4-5 drones around late-game. Although relatively small (around the size of a soccer ball), It seems that Crab is able to control them at any time remotely, and can 'see' what they see in short bursts.
        *By 'see', Crab's senses are currently not that clear, so she receives a blurry shadowy outline of everything in her head.

Crab Claws: Once Crab feels that she has a safe number of drones set up or she senses the enemy nearby, Crab will summon a pair of massive mechanical claws to cover her hands. These may be used as both a shield or quite a hefty pair of melee weapons when needed.
Mist:Should the arena not allow Crab much cover, the metallic shell on Crab's back will unleash a thick cloud of steam, fogging up a large chunk of the arena. Though, in the midst of all this-- mist, crab's antennae can sense the approximate-- albeit not precise location of other astrals within the fog. In short, while the steamer is active, most astrals cannot see her, but she can most certainly 'see' you. This gives her a 5-minute window to prepare herself for battle.
        *Should Crab also have to get any attackers off of her back, an upgrade may be available in the future which allows her to release a super-heated burst of steam. While this will not seem to have any effect on crab aside from slight dizziness, anyone foolish enough to get too close behind her...boom. roasted.

-Crab's antennae, eyes and dual neckties are incredibly luminous, and could probably be seen well through the mist. Should crab be facing away from you, her armor is quite dark, so you should be able to see her silhouette
Sear: Pretty basic explanation. You swing your arm, it does a fire slash thing. Future upgrades may actually allow for the 'throwing' of fire. Yes, medium-range fireballs. Old-timey chestnut-roasting classic.

Fissure:Just another fancy name for the Rock Wave attack from Chaotic. Crab slams her claws down, cracking the ground in a straight path and shooting up a trail of sharp boulders as it moves along. Goes on for about 10 metres, so it's safe to say it's about a medium-range attack.

Strength and weaknesses:
Strengths: Right off the bat, one can take notice that crab has a considerable amount of armor covering her back. When the Crab Claws are active, she also gains another bit of armor. Her steam shell is relatively lightweight, so she can move quickly at the beginning of the match. Once fully armed, however, she becomes more of a tanked-up engineer. Beware the five-drone frenzy if she ever manages to max out her Fidget capacity. After eons of working deep in the cores of Blackforge Rift, Crab has built up a considerable resitance against heat and fire, allowing her to even go as far as to have jets of fire searing straight out of the circular vents on the forearm shatfs of her Crab Claws.This makes close combat rather.... interesting, certainly.
Weaknesses: Although powerful against opponents in close-range, Crab's claws have a considerable about of weight to them, causing her to be rather slow and have difficulty with dodging quick attackers. Also, due to having little to no armor on her frontside, a single, well-timed strike could slip past her claws and render her defeated in an instant. Because of this, Crab tries to keep a considerable amount of distance between herself and the opponent. A wind-based astral could most certainly break the effect of Mist if powerful enough, and Crab relies highly on her drones for long-range attacking. Crab's antennae are also fairly blind to attacks from above or below. Though, most of all, due to currently not being in very good sync with her human and the fact that Alexa is new to astral fighting, their overall control is... less than satisfactory.
Bio:It is rumored that Crab once worked under a certain general, but more specifically, she worked even further under the general, in the elusive organization of the seven apostles. She seemed to have been stationed deep within the walls of a volcanic cave, where most of her drone-forging work was done. As a humble engineer, she would often scour about the caverns for the next piece of scrap metal to use in her works, but never gave out the specific blueprints on how to put her strange little creations together. There weren't many stationed at the forge due to the working conditions being... less than ideal for most astrals to stay for long periods of time. Crab took advantage of the area and her hardy fire resistance, finding that the peace and quiet away from others was the perfect place to forge her greatest work of all, Carcinus. However, she only got to work on these... experimental creations whenever the general's gaze was not over her, and she always followed her orders when given, constantly putting out new models of odd, scrap-yard drones that she was able to make in mass production. However, some of the other astrals from the Shattered Plateau have noted that recently she went missing after finishing Carcinus, saying that there was a devastating fire, and after the ashes settled, she was never heard from again...
Super move Giant Enemy Crab Carcinus: Crab sacrifices all of her on-field drones and gains a large mechanical crab suit, that can be used for combat to make very big movements and cause high damage, however the legs seem to be a large weakpoint due to being rather spindly and thin, and could make the mech easy to knock over. Once the suit wears off or fails to destroy the opponent, she will no longer be able to build any more Fidget drones for the rest of the match.

WHAAAAAAT?! That's not enough? you want 'em, we got 'em! Chibis!

I suppose that's enough Crab on your plate for now! See you in the arena!

--- End quote ---

Username: Desbear (I'm here guys)
Name:  Gatillo Vollerei
Personality: Gatillo acts rather passive, making it fairly hard to anger him, and due to this is rather friendly and quick to trust others.
Bio:Gatillo grew up in a small neighborhood a bit in the country, and around there, finding an Astral battler was like finding a unicorn. Eventually however, they moved to an area with a much larger population, and thus he began to learn about Astral battlers.

Further more, he began to become engrossed in the subject. Finding out all he could, and studying old battlers, and older methods of synching. He even began to read about how old battlers would bring their Astrals into the real world, and was since diving into the subject full force. Imagine his delight when at age 15 he began to contract the symptoms of becoming an Astral battler, when he started having dreams about a giant drunken man who ran a bar, even more when a symbol of a mug appeared on one of his shoulders... Since, he has been participating in every Astral battle he can. Not even to win or get better, but to strengthen the bond between him and his Astral, and to learn more about other Astrals.
Appearence: Gatillo stands a little taller than some of the others in his group, his brown eyes peering just over their heads. He has a darker skin tone, with short black hair that seems to always spike up whenever he attempts to get it to stay down. All in all, he looked like, and was, a normal person.

  Astral Being
Name: Gragas
World, or region: Runeterra, Frejilord
Technique:Gragas fights in close quarters, overpowering his enemies with his sheer size. He also has a tendency to throw his cask at people, and taunt them into coming to him by insulting them drunkenly.
Strength and weaknesses: Gragas loves to brawl, and thanks to his size he can overpower most of his opponents. He has a high tolerance for pain, making him to both dish out and take in tons of damage. He is not, however, very fast. He is at his best when an enemy stands and fights him, instead of running away.
Bio: Gragas is hailed as a hero for preventing a war, and is ever wandering and attempting to make the perfect drink. One strong enough to get even him, the biggest drinker in the universe, drunk.
Super move Gragas goes into a drunken rage, smashing his cask into the ground and shattering it, knock enemies back. He also gains certain benefits depending on how drunk he is. Afterwards, he no longer has his cask and is exhausted from raging.
5 drunken stacks- Gragas gains extra attack and defense
10 drunken stacks- Gragas gains extra movement speed until the end of his super.
Gragas gains 1 drunken stack at the end of each post, so it is to the advantage of those fighting him to end quickly.


--- Quote from: The-Blades-slave on December 25, 2014, 11:33:06 AM --- Human
Username: The-Blades-Slave
Name: Kyran Déine Stillen
Age: 19
Personality: He is very quiet, and non-confrontational for the most part. He would have once allowed people to walk all over him, but he will stand up for himself if people try to ignore him. He considers himself powerful, maybe too much so, and will not hesitate to show people.
Bio:  Kyran lived in his older brother's shadow his entire life. He hadn't been planned, the result of failed contraceptives, but his family loved him none the less. He was expected to live up to the older Stillen child in everything he did, from sports to grades. Throughout his small hometown he was not known as Kyran, but 'Aaron's quiet little brother'. Nothing he ever did could be better than his brother in the town's eyes, and he had grown to despise him. The thought of suicide had occurred to him before many times before, and he had begun to seriously consider it.

Then, the dream started.

He began having horrible nightmares that would leave him panting and crying, unable to comprehend what was going on. He dreamed of a tall man in a dark forest, with long black hair and bottomless, predatory black eyes. His hands were like talons, and he shuffled strangely, as if he didn't belong in his body. His mouth was dyed red with blood, and he munched on something that crunched with every bite. The dream would always end with the man looking directly Kyran and laughing hysterically, then rushing forward and grabbing his throat. The claws on his hands cut deep and hurt like nothing he'd ever felt before, and the monstrous man would slowly lean forward and whisper a single word that stopped his heart cold.

He would always wake up then, screaming and clutching at his throat. In each spot the beast claws had pierced his neck there was a mark, four small black dots on the left side of neck, and a single large one on the right. He thought he was losing his mind the first time he saw it in the mirror, and he began applying make up to hide not only the marks on his neck, but the bags under his eyes from the long sleepless nights he had been pulling to avoid the nightmare. He started avoiding social interaction, pulling into himself. His parents thought it was a phase, and his brother had moved out a few months before. He thought it would have gotten better with his brother gone, the town would stop comparing the two, but the dream had make everything so much worse...

When the astral craze finally hit his town he found out what the mark was, but he was terrified of syncing with the beast he had seen all those nights. He knew to battle you had to become one with your astral, to allow your minds to meld, and he wasn't sure if he could come back from that... thing's mind intact. The time eventually came when people found out he was marked, and he became a small star in the town for a few passing moments, until his brother revealed his mark and announced to the town he would be the strongest battler ever and make the place famous. It agitated a part of him slightly his brother had outdone him in even this, but for the most part he was glad. There no pressure to battle when he was forgotten.

He planned on leaving it like that, but the time eventually came when Aaron wanted to battle him. He put it off and made excuses, but eventually his brother cornered him and strong-armed him into a fight. His older brother meant no harm, Kyran knew that (he hadn't told anyone how terrifying his dreams had been), but it scared him witless to think of battling. When they activated the sync station, both brothers marks flared brighter than ever before. A mix of bright orange and dark purple lit the room, blinding all who watched. Then, they were synced.

The battle was a slaughter. The unprepared Monkey King had no warning before he was assaulted, and could do nothing to stop his opponent from ripping him limb from limb. It lasted only minutes. When they unsynced, Aaron scrambled backwards, the eyes that had always expressed such happiness filled with terror. And it was directed at him, it made him sick to think about... Yet, at the same time, it made him feel powerful. He had finally beaten his brother, the great Aaron Stillen, at something. He had smashed him into the ground without a challenge. "That was the strength of a real astral, Aaron..." The younger brother chuckled lowly, and it grew into full blown laughter. "And we're gonna take this world by storm!"

Few dared challenge him after that, and those who did always ran screaming, for his astral was unlike any had ever seen. He was a thing of nightmares, a beast born from the worst humanity had to offer... He was Zeta, and he was headed to the tournaments for some fun! Ahahahahahaha!
Appearence: Kyran stands at 5'8", and his hair is dark golden-brown and is very curly, giving it a shaggy look. His eyes are a vibrant electric blue, nearly identical to his older brother's. The only difference between the two is his are slightly darker, and are always dragged down dark bags. In each spot the beast claws pierced his throat there is a mark, four small black dots on the left side of neck, and a single large one on the right. He generally wears dark close with high collars to hide this.

Astral Being
Name: Zeta
World, or region: Tartarus
Technique: Zeta is immensely strong and very durable, with sharp claws that can rip through steel like butter. He moves in strange, unpredictable patterns, and is unbelievably scarred and disformed. He revels in terrifying his opponents and is very adept at psyching them out and playing mind games.
Strength and weaknesses:
+Zeta is immensely strong, far more than his size would let on.
+He has the instincts of an animal, and can often sense danger before it reaches him.
+He is insane, and moves in patterns highly unpredictable to his enemies.
+His skin is like leather, and can protect him from many blows.
-He loves to toy with his opponents, and would sooner lose a match for the chance to terrify his enemy.
-He takes pleasure in his own pain, and often will not even bother to avoid attacks.
-He is very slow, though his reflexes are not. He has very few ways of chasing down mobile enemies, excluding his true form.
-He has no ranged attacks of his own, though he can use his surroundings to his advantage.
Bio: Zeta is that which devils fear, the thing that darkness is made of. He once plunged the world into eternal torment to amuse himself, and in the process defeated the the Gods and the best they had to offer, and trapped them in his throne room in Tartarus. There, he tormented them until the gods begged for him to end their immortal lives.

He was eventually stopped by the combined strength of the remaining Old Bloods, who freed the gods and imprisoned him beneath his own throne, which he forged from the skin and bones of Chronos, the lord of time. He remains there now, trapped and waiting for someone foolish enough to release him... To tamper with the Throne of Time and let him run free, so he can torment the world again.
Super move Zeta unleashes his true form, the form of that gods trembled to behold. Bony wings covered in glossy black feathers rip free from his back, and his hands and his claws grow enormous. His feet transform into gargantuan talons, and though his body retains its human shape, his normal eyes are replaced by six pure blood red ones. In this form he gains the ability of flight, increased speed and strength, and enhanced senses. To transform rips apart his mortal host, and when the super runs out he is left severely injured.
Appearance: Zeta is tall, with long dark hair and pale skin. His entire body is marred from head to toe, and his eyes are bottomless black depths searching for their next prey. Wicked, curved black claws grow from his fingers. He generally wears a shredded straw shirt, baggy brown trousers, and deer-skin boots.

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