Creative Discussions > Other Roleplay

[OOC] Dimension Veil's

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This is the discussion section for the RP. All details for the RP will be posted here.

Profiles are here
RP Is here.

In this RP, you play two characters, your human player, and your astral being. Your human player does not transform into the being in their world. They project their mind and take control of their being in one of many worlds throughout the universe.


The Championship Forest: A simple forest, used in most tournament battles. After each tournament battle, a new copy of the forest is saved, leaving all the destruction and damage from the final battle in the forest, to be whiped and replaced after the next tournament.
The Box: A large, metal box, well lit by an unkown force. There's no cover, and no way for a fighter to be killed by hazards. This is a completely skill based matchup when you visit here, and mostly used for sparring matches.
Created Arena's:

This is where you join in, kiddo's! Like past RP's in this series, you're allowed to create and send Arena's, and if they're approved, they get posted here! Unlike past series, you're allowed to keep sending them as the RP goes on, for them to be released as 'Beta Arena's".


Hotel: This will be your hub, where your character's stay after the battles, and where you start your day. It's a simple hotel, with a kitchen to order the food and drinks from. The other specialty it is, is a sparring room, complete with a machine where you can select Arena's and have it construct the Arena for you.
The Park: A simple park in the middle of a forest outside the hotel, a good place for you to take a stroll and explore. It's also a good place to meet some of the people you'll be fighting in the tournament.
The Arena: This will be where you're taken at night, escorted there around 8:00 PM at night by the security of the tournament grounds. There are machines set up all around a large room underground where the fighter's synch with their astrals. Above ground, the different matches are projected up on a screen above ground, where thousands of people watch the battles take place. 
The Plaza: This is where you'll do most of your socializing, however, fighting is frowned upon in this area, as it's seen as disruptive to the common worker. This is where you'll go to buy items and whatnot, some of which may or may not be usable during the tournament, but all of which will be usable in sparring matches.

Yume Tsuki:
(nobody saw me posting in the wrong thread!!)

Good to see that there is one hub where everyone stays. That makes it easier for people to meet eachother up instead of letting writers chase eachother to a certain place that has been made up by one of the RP'ers. :P

Hey man, don't diss Ash's warehouse. That poop had a microwave, it was the bomb!

Yume Tsuki:
Well, I did make an entire drawing of a slightly corrupted Yume. =w=; And then I realized it was past, and yume wasn't into astral business back den.

Ohwell, you guiz gonna meet a new person den. c:


--- Quote from: Flamelass on December 15, 2014, 11:51:33 PM ---(nobody saw me posting in the wrong thread!!)

Good to see that there is one hub where everyone stays. That makes it easier for people to meet eachother up instead of letting writers chase eachother to a certain place that has been made up by one of the RP'ers. :P

--- End quote ---

Nope, I saw it all right ;)

Just couldn't come online here in time to move it.


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