Creative Discussions > Other Roleplay

[RP] Soul Eater: New Earth

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Silene stared at the wreckage where the boy had been slammed through the desk, slightly concerned. "Is he alright?" The wood had been completely shattered, and she hadn't seen the kid move since it happened. She hoped he was just unconscious, he hadn't even done anything.

"Probably." Warren shrugged, popping a fresh piece of gum into his mouth, still sitting at his desk and listening to the teacher lecture about collecting kishin eggs. "I don't see why he bothered rounding them up, seems like too much effort." As the instructions drew to a close, he slowly rose to his feet."Lets get down there and get this over with."

"Oh, so now you're eager to work?"

Warren nodded in turn, eyes glinting darkly. "I'm not gonna work,." His wavelength suddenly took a darker, more violent vibe. "I'm gonna blow it to smithereens."

Silene laid a firm hand on his shoulder. "Warren..." Through their connection she felt the tempo of his wavelength slowly lull back into its normal tempo. "You okay?"

"Yeah, I've got it. Hurry up and transform, before we get called out." Warren held out his hand. In a flash of blue light she changed into her scythe form. Warren spun her expertly, kicking up a small gust of wind around him. The familiar feel of her soul pushed back the last of his clouded thoughts, leaving his mind completely clear. He selected a cage at random and took his place in front of it.

"Be careful, Warren."

"Will do."

"ShIt ShIt  ShIt ShIt ShIt..."

"We're going to be fine Jessie-"

"We're going to be late!"

Alex grabbed her sister by the wrist and brought the two to a stop in the middle of the empty hallway. "Look at me. We're going to be fine, trust me. Remember what the guy said?"

Jessie was bent over trying to catch her breath. She may be a demon weapon, but even she needs to stop running once in a while. "N-no."

"Of course not. He told us that there's always someone who shows up late to class - just like school at home - but Mortecai is one of the best teachers here." She gave Jessie a comforting smile. "We'll just explain to him that we got lost, we're really sorry and stuff, and we'll never do it again and he'll let us off the hook!"

Jessie smiled back. "Yeah. Yeah, we will be fine. But it doesn't mean I like being late."

"Same. Now let's get going."

And the two resumed their jog - which was faster than the average human's sprint.


"Why is this school so fucking huge?!?" Jessie asked the air like it actually cared.

"Look, there's the class!"

The two came to a stop beside an empty doorway.

"Where's the door?"

Alex shrugged. "Hmm, Mortecai's Class Of-"

Jessie grabbed Alex by the wrist and pulled her through the doorway. "Doesn't matter, this is his class. Hi Mister Mortecai! Sorry we're late!" she yelled as they entered the classroom.


I had been staring my schedule, when I heard a loud voice echo out. I looked up just in time to see a door fly off its hinges, hit the ceiling, and even slam through it. I even heard an audible 'OW' from the room above me... This would be interesting, or so, I thought. Sure I was right, It was interesting, however not in the way I had wanted. I had watched two people walk in; A shorter man, and a taller man, however, the mannerisms, look, and even... No, especially the speech patterns of the shorter, thin man who walked in made me uneasy. He immediately asked who locked the door, to which we pointed at a kid in the corner, who thought it would be funny to do so.  I felt my heart skip a beat when the instructor slammed the child's face through the desk... Did he kill the kid?

Not really wanting to find out for myself, I simply sat there, silent as he explained what we would be doing. It seemed we would be getting our first Kishin egg, and I noticed that Steven, who was beside me, was noticeably tense. It was only natural for him, wasn't it? After all he's shown me time after time that he's a bit of a coward, and I would be throwing him at our enemy for half of this. I couldn't help but grow a somewhat soft smile. Sure, this was going to be terrifying, it would hurt, and I could even possibly die here... But, it would quite interesting, would it not?

When the instructor gave us the signal to go ahead, I arose from my seat, nudging Steven as to get him to follow, which he did, though, I have wonder if it was willingness or fear that drove him to follow? After all, I'm sure he wasn't too keen on this situation. As we took a key, I motioned towards the field, speaking as so. "Go pick a box, and then transform when I get there. Alright?"

His response wasn't verbal, which I found rather odd for him. He was really tense, wasn't he? I mean, I guess he did follow my instructions, but it's unlike him not to comment with sarcasm. As he picked a box,  I began to carefully select a key. Sure, he said they were all the same, and would open any box, but I at least had to check and make sure they were similar in nature. I picked up the key in my left hand, before walking towards the field, to the box Steven was standing in front of.

When I got there, like I had instructed him to do, he transformed without a word, the hilt of the weapon appearing in my hand. The chain was limp, and the large chakram was laying upon the ground, waiting for me to sling it into the air, and at my opponent. I stuck the key into the slot, but, before I could turn it, I heard an audible voice from my weapon. "Hey, be careful when swinging me at them, alright?

My response was quick, and had a hint of sarcasm in my voice. He knew I would take as much care as I could, but hey! I should have fun with this. "I wont." And with that, I turned the key, quickly stepping back and dragging the chakram back as I began to await the box's inevitable burst.


He felt... Tense. The teacher hadn't even walked in yet, and he was already tense. The door flying off of it's hinges and going through the ceiling didn't help either. He watched the instructor intently, pointing at the kid who had locked the door when it was questioned, however, he couldn't expect what would happen next. He tensed up as the other, around the same age as him, was thrust through his desk, breaking the wood into thousands of pieces. He couldn't help but wonder if the kid was alive but... He wasn't going to say anything and risk the same fate.

Steven tried to fake a smile, however it quickly left his face as he realized what the instructor was... Well, instructing them to do. He knew it was going to happen when they signed up for it, but he still wasn't sure if he and Hason would be able to do it... But hey, he couldn't really run right now, so what could he do but obey? As his Meister nudged him, he quickly got up, following her over to the table with the keys, where she began to speak, a monotone voice coming from her. Ah, she was back to normal now, wasn't she? "Go pick a box, and transform when I get there. Alright?"

He simply nodded, following her orders and going towards a box. He felt his heart begin to pound, nearly bursting from his chest as he stood in front of one of the boxes. He wanted to run... He needed to run, but he couldn't very well do that, could he? So he simply waited. When Hason neared him, he quietly transformed in a flash of light, turning into his weapon form, having the hilt appear in her free hand. Before she could even open the cage, he spoke, a bit of a cautious tone to his voice. "Hey, be careful when swinging me at them, alright?

However, her reply didn't exactly reassure him. As she turned the key and quickly stepped a few feet back, awaiting the contents of the box to make themselves known, she spoke in a sarcastic tone that made even him uneasy. "I wont."

Mortecai heard a voice behind him.

Did you really have the balls to come in the class late? And did you really think apologizing was going to save your sorry ass life today.

Mortecai walked up to the two girls, grabbed the two by the hair, and dragged them to the field. He flung them as hard as he could, and dual missile kicked them each right in the face. He then spoke, with pure rage.


All of the students are lined up at their boxes. With a simultaneous turn of the key, every kishin came flying out.

Well children, you get to fight the most evil people in all of history. Have fun.


Hitler, wearing what looked like a mech suit powered by souls. "ACH, YOU HAVE ANGERED ME, ZE GREAT HITLER!" He armed his cannon, and fired at the two battlers. He knew that if he tried to do anything else, he would come after them instead.


Out of the box came Mussolini. "In all of great Italy, I shall turn you into my new pasta." He pulled out twin blades, which were attached to his arms. He was fast, really fast, He zeroed in on the one who opened his box.


Stalin, in an iron suit with red fists, came exploding out of the box once he heard the key turn. "By Mother Russia, all this school will bend to.." he looked at Moretecai, who was thrusting the air and pointing. "Nevermind, I shall kill you for my freedom. RED FIST" He let loose a massive punch.

Warren whirled the scythe around, bringing the blade up and slicing straight through the missile. The two halves split off, flying to the left an right of the meister, destroying two chunks of grass behind him. "... That's all zhe great Hitler's got? I'll show you a real explosion. Silene!"


Warren pumped his wavelength through her, channeling it around the point of the scythe. He dashed forward, swinging the strike at Hitler's side.

"Explosion point!"


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