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[Serious] Autism allies

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i had this forum on v.1 we are here to help and welcome people with autism i myself have aspergous syndrome we hopefully will help u give info hope and even more

hopefully no-one will question this forum and read we let you learn about autism or show you that you might have i

Moved to off-topic. Trainers lounge is for discussing Pokemon Universe  :)

I added the [Serious] tag to the topic title. All off-topic posts in this topic will be removed.

Good idea for a thread. You have my support. My nephew, who is 4-years-old, has autism. He has trouble understanding just about everything anyone tells him. Unlike normal 4-year-olds, my nephew can only say "agua" (water in Spanish) and "mas" ("more" in Spanish) - he can also say "cookie"  :P. He attends therapy every week and is slowly, but surely, learning how to speak - though it's difficult to understand what he is saying sometimes.  :-\  So far he can count up to five in English. I see him 4 days a week, and when he is over, we love to watch movies together. He loves watching Pixar's UP, Finding Nemo, Ice Age, Tom & Jerry, etc. I just love him so much.  :) 

I look forward to reading other peoples posts. 

well good luck with that well if anyone has some info please share and if you want i  will post link to website owned by my parents they run a thing called camp Autism it is so autistic families can have a vacation


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