Pokémon Universe > Ideas & Suggestions

following pokemon

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Counter Bug:
My idea is that you could create an area inwhich the first pokemon in your party follows you on the map. Like the pikachu in Pokemon Yellow edition. I think this would be more fun.

And maybe you could challenge other people's pokemon, which you can see on that area. And you would have to use your following pokemon.

Thats my idea. What do you think about it?

Of course we would like this too, but the hard part is creating sprites of all the pokemon :(

Counter Bug:
8 sprites for one pokemon. Other people might do that job.

Yes but that would eventually lead up to more than 8x400 sprites  :P Cause IF we do it, we shouldn't limit the possible pokemon that can follow you.


--- Quote from: Urmel on December 27, 2009, 12:55:08 PM ---Yes but that would eventually lead up to more than 8x400 sprites  :P Cause IF we do it, we shouldn't limit the possible pokemon that can follow you.

--- End quote ---

8*493 sprits... that's almost 4000!!! sprites  :-\
But yeah if we find someone who is willing to make them all, sure why not.


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