Entertainment > Japanese Entertainment

Manga Discussions

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CHOBITS is the best.


--- Quote from: Seveer on May 25, 2010, 03:02:14 AM ---CHOBITS is the best.

--- End quote ---
i started watching the anime of that and i was planning on getting the manga. it is pretty good.

Well... I always go to This Site...
They have a huge selection of Manga, :3!

I used to read manga a lot but I've kind of slowed down a bit.  Here are the ones that I enjoyed:

Hana Kimi - (My favorite, I read and own all 23 volumes of them!)
Death Note - (Textfest but very intrigiguing.  I got till vol. 12 or so lol)
MARS - (Kind of heavy but still a really good read)
Fruits Basket - (I read up till about vol. 20ish and then started losing interest)
Inuyasha - (I read up till around vol. 30 and then stopped XD)

I have a couple volumes of:

Love Hina
Full Metal Alchemist

But they were a little juvenile and couldn't keep my attention >.< (not saying they're bad, just not my taste :P)


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