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Best anime of Spring 2010 season

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I actually loved Toradora and was rooting for Taiga the entire time (it was the crazy friend that I started to hate, until the end) so I dont think Zero no Tsumaiko will be too much different.

 The summer season should start around late-June. But from Wikipedia, most of the start dates are on June 29th- july 3rd. That looks bout right.

I found some info about the new season lying around, got bored.

The one's that I could make out were Strike Witches, the third one on top, Shukufuku no Campanella (the one to the right of Code Geass) and Mitsudomoe (to the right of Shukufu) And from the looks of the poster, there could be a Ko-on season 3,

I found on another site that

Shiki- corpse demon finally gets an anime.
and Densetsu  no Yuusha no Densetsu

Not sure if this will be for Summer or Fall, but the Sekirei sequel will be out sometime this year. Cant wait.

There's an anime called Starry Sky... looks like a yaoi, could be good never know eh.

Nurarihyon  no Mago (TV) looks cool too.

There is a partial list of the upcoming series on ANN. Im pretty sure more will be added as summer get closer.

Another horror is HighSchool of the dead

Chinka, a series about loli firefighters.  :-\

Sources: Anime vice, Anime News Network, Chartfag,

By some of those images it looks as if I'm going to have a good summer.  ;D

Thanks for going through all the trouble to find those.

On the subject of Zero No Tsukaima:
It's not a bad series if you can deal with Louise. Toradora! was amazing. I also love Shakugan No Shana, but ZnT sort of got to me after a while. Maybe because I just liked some other characters more than her and there is some really good development that gets you a little riled up.


--- Quote ---By some of those images it looks as if I'm going to have a good summer.
--- End quote ---

They all look like they have potential. I'm really looking forward to late June.

 i was a bit surprised they decided to go through with a Sekirei second season. Its been almost 2 years, I cant wait.

I'm a little pissed at the idea of a new Code Geass. I "got it" the first time around. The ending was amazing. The series as a whole was great. why another  ???

Oh and Nurarihyon no Mago looks cool too.

Spring 2010 update:

Ichiban Ushiro no Damaou, Angel Beats, kaichou maid-sama, Ikkitousen: executioner, and Giant Killing continue to be the best so far, imo

Im starting to get used to B Gata H Kei. it's weekly/bi-weekly awkward moment doesnt bother me as much as it used to.

This wouldn't be awkward if she wasn't referring to her brother. 


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