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Messages - Draagn

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Quests & Plots / [Quest] Sleeping city
« on: February 02, 2010, 02:31:37 PM »
This is my first quest idea so don't be to harsh...anyway
You arrive at a city (insert name here) and you notice that its empty ,and all the houses doors are locked. Finally you go to the pokemon center even the nurse is gone.In the center of the city there is a big radio station,when you make it to the station you try to go in but the door is locked,and when you try to walk away you here a jiggly puff and you fall asleep. When you wake up the town is crowded with people and is a normal city.The next time you see the professor you tell him about the city that periodically is a ghost town,he gives you poke earmuffs or something,and you go back.This time yet again everyone is gone,and when you make it to the radio station you here a jiggly puff.But you don't fall asleep this time,you get the door open,and when you go inside you see team rocket (or what ever team you have) everywhere.Slowly you work your way to the top of the radio station so you can stop what ever is going on,and when you make there is the boss of the team(insert name here)he challenges you he has a jiggly puff as one of his pokemon.When you beet him he tells you his plan which is that he uses the radio station to broadcast jiggly puff so that when the city is asleep they can mine for mew artifacts.He gos on to tell you that he wants his own mew o he can create his own breed of pokemon.He also tells you that they were going to use ta city's fossils to pokemon machine to turn what every fossils they found into pokemon.You end up telling the professor everything.He tells you to look out for team(insert name here)then you go about the game like always...THE END 

please tell me what you thought of my quest I really want to know.

thanks spirit really encouraging I guess your right ,I am working to hard I really want to have a well excepted idea ,and I am just tired of my ideas being shot down by the first post I mean I have only been here for like  2 days each day I have tried a different idea and each day I learned it was already done or cant be done so maybe I should be more practical.

I think it would be awesome if some of the people in between city's that you can fight will be real people. I know this would probably make the game lag but you've got to admit it would be cool,and this would open up new possibility's.. For example real players could be gym leaders or like have that current league champion be fight able after the brutal five.I figure this was one of the first thoughts when creating PU but was shot down for pretty obvious reasons but you have to try this out even just a sucky rough draft would work just a way to have some poke authority over some of the other players it proves to be a much better source of motivation....I am just spit balling here so don't just shoot it down like all my other ideas this one has a lot of room for alteration and will be difficult to work into the game but would definitely be worth it.

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: In Game Music/Pokemon Radio
« on: February 01, 2010, 03:31:48 PM »
PU radio would be awesome like have a recording for different events so you don't have to listen to the same stuff over and over and have different stations too so many possibility's

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: My ideas
« on: February 01, 2010, 03:23:03 PM »
hay I am new here and I am just trying to get settled in this game I have been on this site for all of 29 minutes so sorry I didnt do my homework

I noticed in the screen shots there was a plane does that mean what I think it means

Mod Edit: Please edit your posts when you're the last one who has replied in a topic.

I dont like the borrowing it idea because say you didnt know about the new tournament and you riding along your in the middle of nowhere and it vanishes that would suck you'd have to walk a really long way..not a well thought out plan.   

Ideas & Suggestions / My ideas
« on: February 01, 2010, 02:46:55 PM »
Okay before I post my ideas I need to ask a question that I am sure has come up before and is not in the ultimate answer sheet. 2D or 3D? Will it be like pre diamond and pearl ore post. Anyways now time for my ideas..I am just going to list them.

1. Offline,online game its where you can chose to play PU online or offline ,because unless you have a multi server thing it would be annoying  like pokemon crater you wouldn't be able to see the ground.
2. Tag team battles not just one pokemon vs one pokemon but 2 on 2 it would be more interesting than 1 on 1.
3. user created stores like a market place where you can sell or buy items to / from other players.
4. A unique poketech I dont how you would do this but just throwing it out there.
5. New modes of transportation like a train that will take you from one half of the region to the other.( obsolete if you have fly but for new players it would be awesome)
6. 150 lvl instead of the original 100 as a salute to the original 150 pokemon.
7.In the last game you could go to a pokepark and take your smaller pokemon out and walk around, but I think you should be able to do this anywhere.
8. wearable items for your pokemon,seals for your pokeball..pointless I know but once you've beaten the game,  and your sitting there without anything to do customizing your pokemon would be nice.
9. I noticed you didn't have pickachu as a starter pokemon...Why? do you not remember yellow?
I know you said in the ultimate answer sheet that you weren't adding to the starter pokemon list ,but I think you should...just some pokemon like trapinch,and zigzagoon.Because that's one of the thing I loved about crater before it went downhill,and I know you want to be unique so have more starter pokemon.

I will update my Ideas.....I cant wait to see this game finished because I am a big pokefan and I know whatever the product is it will be awesome. ;D

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