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Messages - OokamiGaru

Pages: 1 2 [3]
Art Work / Re: Monzta's Splicing/Recolouring shop!
« on: March 13, 2011, 05:23:57 PM »

:D Please and thank you ^_^

New Trainers / Welcome / Re: Garu
« on: March 13, 2011, 04:56:45 PM »
lol I am another Riolu fan-lover.
Still, I loved him before I knew what gen he was from, years ago lmao.
The japan prerelease poop.
Anywho, thanks everyone ^_^

Trainers Lounge / Re: Your Starter Pokemon
« on: March 13, 2011, 03:42:02 PM »
I KNOW! *nuzzles flaming fluffiness* hehehe

« on: March 13, 2011, 03:40:35 PM »
I am not good at designing things on computers at the moment.
Though, I'd love to help with the design of quests and mission of the sorts.

I am not sure how PU works or how the original one was designed, nor to I know the full design of the new PU.

Though, if you were to give me a few tidbits about the PU world, I could start coming up with missions and quests for beginners and experts.

I understand that when this is open, we'll all be newbies on it. So I can figure out easy quests and such.

Then, for the more dedicated players with level 100 charzard the day two of opening. There can be missions for them to complete as well.

I understand that there will be alot of people playing, so there will need to be lots of elements to a mission and some will range in difficulty, funness, and other things to keep the game play interesting, so no redo of the same old same old.


Trainers Lounge / Re: Your Starter Pokemon
« on: March 13, 2011, 03:30:30 PM »
Cyndaquil, because hes cute and fluffy and on fire. Also, Typhlosion is the best ^_~

New Trainers / Welcome / Re: Garu
« on: March 13, 2011, 03:23:42 PM »
Ruby- I am a boy lol

Power- lol Harley is awesome ^_^

Anime & Movies / Re: B/W
« on: March 13, 2011, 03:19:30 PM »
I am only on the american viewing. He just left with that green hair'd fellow.
Anywho, the series now bugs me in sorts.
Team Rocket is smart and they are BEYOND SERIOUS and they do everything right.
They dont blast away.
Giovanni trust them.
I think its cause of disbanding Team Galactic in sorts lol.

Pikachu is seriously weak as hell now.
I think its the legendaries faults...
I mean think about it.
At the beginning of all the new series.
Pikachu gets blasted by some magic ray that involves a super strong pokemon.
and bam, hes weak again.

The new nurse Joy is more sharper.
And the new officer jenny looks like a dyke. Excuse my launguage, but look at her? Butch hair cut and seriously man voice and controlling... ehhh...

The new pokemon look HORRIBLE! There is like 10 good pokemon in the series, and their evolutions of course.
That dream eater pig, hell, even my mom who came by saw it and said it looked like a fetus that got infected.

Ok, I'm done ranting lmao

New Trainers / Welcome / Garu
« on: March 13, 2011, 03:06:19 PM »
Hey, Im Garu.
How yall doin?
My profile says it all lol.
Also, if you give me something involving Riolu or Lucario, I love you forever and ever and ever and ever... :D

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: Legacy
« on: March 13, 2011, 02:52:19 AM »
lol I said I read alot. Didn't say everything.

Ideas & Suggestions / Legacy
« on: March 12, 2011, 07:00:04 PM »
Hello, Im Garu. I've read alot of the threads, but one can only read for so long.
So I thought I'd post my ideas?

I understand how you do the legendaries and I full heartedly love it.

Still, what if this game had a purity bar? Like in those big old council games? lol

It starts at 50. The lower it gets, the more evil kinda thing?  Say it gets at a certain low, a group like team rocket, ect ect, auto invites you to join? I mean it'd have to be pretty low.

Or if it gets higher, the pokemon rangers invite you? But it'd have to be pretty high? lol

I mean, it would take alot to move the bar, not just a one day, join the rangers or rocket.

Also, these fluxes could influence ya pokemon. Like the berries or such, they could raise their happiness or sadness. Making them weaker or stronger.

This could also give players a choice in missions and challenges. Complete it with honor or destroy the mission in general?

I got alot more to add, but I wanna see what yall think.

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