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Messages - GoldForge

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Other Roleplay / Re: [RP][Day one, 12-5 PM.] Dimension Veil's
« on: December 24, 2014, 04:55:31 AM »
The roar of the nonexistent flames surging into her ears was unbearable. Although she figured the blunt of the sound could only be heard by her due to the lack of turning heads among the crowd, she couldn't help but look around to check from time to time to see if anybody was trying to grab a fire extinguisher. Though, soon, her eyes wandered down, catching sight of a blindingly bright pink glow shining from the girl's pantleg. The sudden dizziness building in her head caused Alexa to sway ever so slightly and clutch at her head. "N-..No, no! M-..my hand's... fine... O-..ok maybe n-..not... just-- Don't laugh at what I'm about to show you..." She huffed, "If you promise not to scream or think I'm crazy..." Slowly, she reached down a shaky hand to remove her glove. The burning was unbearable, and she couldn't believe that her hoodie wasn't combusting by now. With a flick of her hand, the article was removed, and she thrust her seal-branded hand directly into the girl's palm. "BEHOLD--"

Little did she know, she had no idea what happened when two young girls with astrals from the same world collided... Once could say, she dun' goof'd.

Other Roleplay / Re: [RP][Day one, 12-5 PM.] Dimension Veil's
« on: December 24, 2014, 04:05:05 AM »
"A-ah! Sorry about your book, I-I-I--!" When the sketchbook toppled to the ground, her voice got even shakier by the second. Agh, great--! She just ruined somebody else's day, didn't she?! Before she knew it, a purple blur charged towards her, causing her to 'panic squeal' like some sort of...dying rat. However, she did not receive the enraged fist to the face she was expecting, but rather-- concern? Gah! She couldn't believe it! How could anyone possibly be concerned about someone as foolish as herself? Scrambling to regain her balance, she swallowed hard, hoping for the best. "N-n-n-no, no! I'm fine! Gee, uh-- lovely weather we're having today, eh?" Her abrupt changing of the topic and awkward laughter certainly were not helping as she pulled her gloved hand up her sleeve to hide the glowing fabric... "T-the sun is shining, t-t-the birds are-. . . .shoot. . . .u-uh..."

Other Roleplay / Re: [RP][Day one, 12-5 PM.] Dimension Veil's
« on: December 24, 2014, 03:12:46 AM »
Although Alexa knew it probably wasn't best for her to intrude on other people's things, she was-- secretly about as fascinated in little sketches or doodles as videos games... which is a LOT, mind you... despite her lacking of any real artistic talent. "A-ah, sweet! What'cha drawin', there?" She piped up enthusiastically as she scooted closer, attempting to get a better look at the other's sketchbook. Though, the closer she got, the more the back of her hand heated up, until she could've sworn it was about to burst on fire.. even moreso than when she was at the sparring terminal. Hoping that the bustle of the daily crowd would drown out the energy humming from her hand, her eyes fell upon the drawing of a... weird...bunny girl...? Okay, it-- "Ah-- that's pretty cute did you draw that yourse--" Suddenly, out of the blue, the melodious tone emitting from her glove began to pulse, crescendoing into a fiery shriek. At this, she quickly shied away, patting the back of her hand as though she was trying to calm it down. "S-...s-so so sorry!" The girl yelped, wondering why her damn hand was making such a ruckus.

Other Roleplay / Re: [RP][Day one, 12-5 PM.] Dimension Veil's
« on: December 24, 2014, 02:35:58 AM »
Alexa shook her head softly. No, no! She did it again! She made someone upset, didn't she? Oh, no no no no no-- Leaving the sparring room behind, it was only now that she realized she was in her pyjama-clad state. Goodness, sake! It was noon, and that was certainly no way to spend the day! One swift trip up the elevator and down the hallway brought her back to her hotel room, where she promptly swung the door shut and got dressed into her REAL outfit for the day. Black hoodie, grey sweatpants with a neon yellow line down each leg, striped sneakers, and-- a headset? Ah, yes. The headset she places upon her head to avoid conversation, of course! Brushing her golden locks, she thought back to the arena. "That... girl in the fire..." She mumbled to herself, "Or-....volcano cave or whatever..." Looking down at her hand, she gave the astral mark a couple taps of her finger, surprised at how warm it was after the battle. "...What do I even call her...?" Looking back up to the mirror, she twiddled with a lock of her hair, thinking back to the mech. "Goldilocks...? N'ah, too girly... Crabby? N-..no, that's kinda rude...Goldy crab? Eghhh..." She hobbled over to her bed as she pulled her black glove back on to conceal the astral mark, sitting on the edge of the mattress and looking out the window. "Well, three parts... Gold...lock...Crab..." Suddenly, something clicked in her head. The mark on her hand began to hum.

Narrowing her eyes at it, she decided to repeat the term again, as though the two were connected. "Goldlock...Crab...?" The hum became louder. Did it... like that? Well-- ok, it was a little weird, but... Oh, gosh. Before she knew it, a smile creeped upon her face. She just needed to test this out... "Goldylock!" her hand grew colder. "Aaahh..." Intriguing, indeed. "Very well, Goldlock Crab it is!" A few-second roar surged into her ears as her hand grew hot, causing her to yelp like a bloody idiot and fall backwards off of her bed... embarrassing. Swiftly, she pulled off her glove to check to see if her hand was ok. The seal wasn't warping like the shimmering air above a BBQ now, so.. she supposed that was some progress. Instead, it was little more than a faintly flickering scar. "Well, better than nothing." She shrugged as she brought the glove on one last time, heading out the door. She supposed she had plenty enough battles for today, so she figured that she might aswell head down to the plaza to see what was there. What could possibly go wrong? Though, as she set out into the square, the back of her hand began to buzz again. "Agh--... come on!" She harshly whispered under her breath, grasping her wrist. Though, soon, she felt a pair of eyes set upon her. Pausing her little moment of freakout, she looked up to see a girl clad in a purple hoodie that resembled an iPod. "Uh-....hey."

Other Roleplay / Re: [RP][Day one, 8 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« on: December 24, 2014, 01:31:36 AM »
Alexa paused, grimacing slightly as she stared at the back of her hand. Even though she had the slightest twinge of joy in her heart after knowing that she had won the battle, something clearly just wasn't sitting right with her. "Uh-- excuse me, uh-- Aaron!" She finally managed to raise her shaky voice a little, the unease now visible in her cloudy amber orbs. "Quick question..." After a long pause, the blonde took a deep breath, shaking the sleeves of her hoodie slightly before speaking up once more. Sheepishly scratching at the back of her head, her gaze shifted off to the side. "Did... you guys get any weird flashing images like a silent movie when you went into the machine? Uh-... that... kinda looked like those Astral dreams? And-- furthermore... Um-- uh... how do I put it..." Whining nervously, she scoured her thoughts for the best word choice she could manage. Looking left and right, she scooted forward and lowered her voice to a near-whisper, as if afraid that her next phrase would bring havoc upon the hotel. "Did...any of you guys hear a voice like your own...trying to talk to you...?"

Other Roleplay / Re: [RP][Day one, 8 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« on: December 23, 2014, 07:48:47 PM »
Shock jolted into Alexa's heart as the intruder stormed in, the emerald orbs beaming through the shadows being the herald to her death. "B-..Wha.. but you were right there-!!" She looked over to the screens, screaming in disbelief. Before she knew it, her equipment was smashed left and right. Control sticks snapped, beautiful decorative orange glass panels obliterated into a fine powder, even her precious leather chair torn to bits! Anger swelled up faster than the flames coursing through the forest, anger equivalent to two people in a fiery rage screaming at once. Carcinus's stance wavered, legs giving away as circuits ripped out. Her gut pulled as the floor fell with her beneath her jet-black boots... WHAM! Before she knew it, she had rolled across the ground smacked directly into a wall, right into the path of the monkey king's next swing. Her livid demeanor swiftly dissolved into an expression of helpless horror as the fist swung down...

However, when her eyes cracked back open, she felt nothing. There she stood again, among the endless white void... no-- she was falling. She opened her mouth to scream, yet let out no sound fell out as she plummeted down...down...down... The invisible blaze roared into her eardrums as memories of the battlefield swirled through the air like frameless TV screens. The lake, the boy with the portals, the pony, the monkey, the fire, the fog, the mech...the falling...falling... She looked down at her hands to find that they were claws no more, the sight of pale flesh reaching her eyes instead of the powerful sheen of metal she had expected. The roar grew, the roar grew... Alexa snapped her gaze upwards to meet with one final scene-- The clawed girl from the forge. Illuminated by the torrents of magma oozing down the walls of the cave, she stood, hunched over with her head jerkily moving in her palms as she stood at the sight of the shattered gargantuan crab. Was she...weeping...? She reached a hand up to the screen, out to the girl in desperation for reasons she did not know why... her heart hurt, her chest stung... or-- were these feelings not her own... Perhaps... did astrals feel the same emotions that humans did--?

Thoughts fading away into nothing, her vision flashed white before she finally met with the floor, the silence suddenly cutting away into the usual chatter of the sparring room. The surge of energy and the rush of confidence was gone. She was no longer the girl from the fire, just plain ol' Alexa...and nothing more. She slowly looked down towards her quivering hands, taking a moment to clench and unclench them, pinching her arm to check both that she was still alive and that it wasn't a dream. At the sharp jolt of pain that followed, she said nothing, only looked up to see the screen that flashed [WINNER!] before her eyes. "Did I--?" Still getting used to hearing her own voice again, she silenced. God, everything was just too surreal for her... Despite the hooping and hollering of the crowd cheering around her, Alexa did not seem to be amused in the slightest. Stumbling her way back over to Aaron and the others in a lazy fashion, she narrowed her eyes with a groan as the rumble in her stomach returned. Although reluctant on doing so, she reached the hand with her astral mark forward to accept the shake, quickly taking notice that the flamelike flicker of the seal was... much more... tame, was that the word sye was looking for?

"...I have so many questions."

Other Roleplay / Re: [RP][Day one, 8 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« on: December 23, 2014, 05:30:09 AM »
Ha! Oh, what a show! The tiny monkey dancing about caused her to roar into laughter, nearly enough to rock her straight out of her chair. Carcinus swayed left and right, before wildly jabbing its front set of legs about in hopes to hit the target...that she did not yet know was the right target "Oh--...Good god, you're so tiny!" Alexa snorted. Though, on the upper screen, she soon squinted her eyes once she caught sight of...a bird? The scritching of the metal roof above her head was nearly too much to bear. However, was she was NOT expecting was for the hatch to suddenly fly open. Whipping about in her chair, she got up to her feet, trying to catch sight of the intruder through the dim red light of the room. "Oh, COME ON!"

Other Roleplay / Re: [RP][Day one, 8 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« on: December 23, 2014, 04:43:28 AM »
"I've already made my move on the lil' blue dude, and I ain't afraid to make my mark again!" She smugly remarked, beginning to follow the monkey through the blazing trees. 'Do the crab thing.' ...The voice had returned. At the edge of the crater, she screeched to a halt. "The what?" 'Do the crab thing.' "Wh--" 'w h i s t l e .' The tugging sensation on her mind returned once more-- a dizzying, sickening feeling. Groaning in irritation at the maddening voice inside her head, she decided to go to heck with it, and whistled as loud as she could manage.

Somewhere off nearby, the twin fidget drones perked up and whistled in reply, bursting into flame... great. Just as Alexa was rubbing at her temples and ready to accept a bloody defeat, the blazing spheres rose into the hair, making a cloud clattering noise as they shot into the shell compartment on her backside. With a yelp of shock, she stumbled a few steps forward, only to find her feet touching... air...? Indeed, she was floating, and the whistling of the drones did not cease, changing in pitch as though they were singing a strange alien song. The scrap metal automatons suddenly split up into bands of pure energy, whistling...singing... they spread out, surrounding her body in an endless white void for what felt like forever...


When she opened her eyes, she was met with a three-panel screen, a helmet upon her head... and a leather seat.. sweeet! But, uh-- just where was she, exactly? She looked up to find a fourth screen above the others, noticing that it was a nifty third person view that shifted about the scene.. was this the live view of what others were seeing right now? She clenched and unclenched her fists, a loud clatter followed. She did it again whilst looking up at the screen, noticing that her hands were controlling...claws... She leaned a little forward in her chair, six spindly legs trudged forth through the trees... "The crab thing..." She whispered under her breath in awe. She couldn't believe it, she was controlling a giant freakin' metal crab right now! "Uh-...Ok! Um-....move forward and-... find the monkey!" She hollered to nobody in particular. With a lurch, the hulking metal behemoth walked over to the pit. However, much too big to scuttle inside, it halted, experimentally jabbing a massive metal leg down into the depths.

Other Roleplay / Re: [RP][Day one, 8 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« on: December 23, 2014, 03:33:38 AM »
With a series of clicks, the twin drones ended their shooting, tilting up to look at Alexa intently, and whistling as they waited for their next command. Though, she said nothing as the bullet-ridden mare's body dissolved into wisps of energy. The she stood, watching them waft up, up, up into the sky, fading into nothingness. However, just as she saluted up to the sky, she became aware of the roaring flames once more. Unaware what her drones were fireproof, she swooped up once under each arm, making a dash off into the... non-flame-riddled woods. With fire licking at her heels, she zig-zagged through the woods until she came across a rocky clearing. Here, she hoped would be safe from the blaze for a while. "Well I'll be..." she huffed, setting the twin drones down. They scuttled about for a few moments, before going into what seemed to be a wee bit of a 'standby' mode. "How many bullets even are in these things?" Alexa kneeled down to one of the drones, attempting to pry a plate to see what was inside. The drone kicked about and hissed in disapproval, squirming away from her mighty grasp and heading back to patrolling the area.

When she least expected it, a mighty boom shook the earth, a buzz of shattered energy hummed through her mind, gargantuan claws clutching at the earth in an attempt to keep herself from toppling over, she looked over to see more wisps of energy curling up into the sky from the treeline. Yet, the buzz that signified the enemy was still there, which meant-- "FRIEND!!" she cried out, only to clap a hand over her mouth as the massive cloud of dust settled upon her... and so did the realization... the monkey man was still alive. Sure, her antennae weren't entirely accurate on that monkey man's current location... but, why not? It was all a game after all, right? Shrugging her shoulders, she followed the buzz inside of her cranium towards the monkey man's location. She thought back to when the flames touched her heels yet didn't sting whatsoever.. maybe...she was..fireproof?

Just then, she pulled something... a little crazy. You could slap 'Stayin' Alive' over this next scene as she strolled though the forest to a funky beat in her head, slashing her arms left and right and deliberately throwing fire in the direction of random trees once she felt the buzz inside her head get at its loudest, meaning that Aaron's astral was nearby. Next, the two drones hopped up onto her shoulders, staying put like two perched birds. With a whistle, she waved towards Wukong. "OY! Monkey butt!" She hollered towards the weakened astral. "How well can you...dance?" curling her fingers to beckon her opponent forward, her drones hopped down from her shoulders, skittering about rapidly into the bushes, moving about in erratic patterns. Occasionally, one or two would leap upwards from the bush, as if trying to taunt Aaron. "Because... baby, I'm on FIRE!" Alexa grinned as she held her arms out to the sides, jets of fire shooting up like blowtorches from the vents on her forearms.

Other Roleplay / Re: [RP][Day one, 8 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« on: December 23, 2014, 01:15:57 AM »
"Oy." A familiar voice called from the bushes. The crackling roar of the flames grew louder, louder.  The flames were rapidly approaching behind her as she emerged from the trees, an eerily calm smile plastered across her features... her face illuminated by the amber glow. With a series of beeps, the twin drones hopped out from the bushes. One skittered up to stand at Alexa's left side, while the other took the right. "Some fancy flyin' there, slick." Now just standing a few feet away from the battered and beaten pony, she chuckled softly as the branches whipped around violently in the breeze, burning hunks of wood toppling over and popping, releasing flurries of embers into the air, swirling around her like a luminous bizzard. Yet still, despite the blaze, she stood still. "Not too shabby for our first fight either, I'd say." Slowly, she raised a massive metal claw, but-- she did not swing it down and swiftly end the pony's life.

Instead, she kneeled down, gently brushing a single finger over the horse's blood-soaked mane, as though attempting to calm them down. A rather unsual, yet kind move for someone to perform on somebody they were supposed to pretend was their sworn enemy for the next few minutes. "In fact, I'd say you've done a swell job, and it was a pleasure getting the chance to meet'cha... perhaps we'll see eachother at the tournament sometime..." Bowing her head respectively, she slid shut her golden orbs as she raised herself to her feet, backing up to stand between the twin spider drones once more. With the flames at her heels, now, she raised her hand to perform a little salute, with a smile as warm as the Blackforge Rift itself. "Stay gold, friend." was all she said before snapping her fingers.

With a whistle, the drones opened fire.

Other Roleplay / Re: [RP][Day one, 8 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« on: December 22, 2014, 11:54:18 PM »
Her antennae flicked from side to side as a new sound reached her ears... the roar of a... jet engine? Quickly coming out from behind the tree, her thoughts began to race... What should she do what could she do? In a matter of seconds, she would be reduced to nothing more than a fine mist! Frozen in fear, she began to quiver and quake, as though her very blood ran cold... her very life-- no, every experience she had ever had in the arena flashed before her eyes in that very moment, and now it was all going to end... was she really just a little, useless brat after all this time.. and nothing more...?

Wait... the very first thing she did once she arrived in the arena... she still had a chance...!

With every once of strength she could muster, she slammed her massive fists upon the ground. The earth split along in a straight line, a series of massive rocks shooting up from the cracks in varying heights from largest to smallest. If everything went as expected and the pony could only travel in a straight line due to her incredible speed, this was it! her moment of genius! As fast as her legs could carry her, Alexa diverolled out of the way, springing up and beginning to run off into the forest once more. Without a doubt, travelling at the speed of light would most certainly cause a lot of damage to her opponent upon impact! Certainly, she may be able to punch through one rock with all that strength, so using one as a shield wouldn't be wise.. but could she punch through 16 more of them?

The astral grinned as she ran, ran, ran further into the forest, leaving the scene behind. She knew deep down inside, even if the pegasus managed to survive the impact by some wicked miracle of black magic... something waited for her at ground level. Deep within the bushes, the gun barrels of two drones began to whir...

Other Roleplay / Re: [RP][Day one, 8 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« on: December 22, 2014, 11:05:14 PM »
Well-- dang. There went her smug grin. With the roar growing ever louder, she shook her head as the buzzing returned. Though, it-- seemed to move about her head like a fly, slowly fading ou-- That was it--!! Those little dangly antennae were there to sense the location of the enemy! Taking a few cautious steps forward, she began to run in the direction of the buzzing, halting the jets of flames from her claws for now. Concealed within the bushes, the twin drones split up and ran ahead of Alexa, attempting to track down the source of Rainbow Dash. However, unlike their first ambush, they made no beeps, the only clues to their whereabouts being the clicking of their spindly little legs across the forest floor. To say the least-- it was only now that Alexa became truly aware of her newfound strength, bounding around the trees as she followed the buzz in her head. Though, once it became too loud to handle, she halted, scooting behind a tree truck as her golden orbs scanned about for any signs of the pegasus.

Other Roleplay / Re: [RP][Day one, 8 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« on: December 22, 2014, 10:48:36 PM »
At this, the white-pupiled astral roared into laughter, another puff of flame shooting out from her gauntlets, as though taunting Rainbow Dash. "If it's a duel you're looking for, then why don'cha come and get me already, you big blue buffoon? I'm waitin' for ya, and I haven't got all day!" The blonde called from across the clearing, intently eyeing the glowing plumes of smoke in the distance before returning her gaze to the pony. "What's the matter, ya scared of the big ol' flaming hands of death?" She gave her gauntlets a little shake to emphasize her point, the soot-stained metal rattling. "You ain't ready to... feel the burn?" Now, if she could just buy a little more time...

Other Roleplay / Re: [RP][Day one, 8 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« on: December 22, 2014, 10:24:05 PM »
Just barely catching a whiff of smoke from the treeline, Alexa narrowed her eyes, lowering her hands so that the massive metal knuckles touched the ground. Though, surprisingly, despite their great size, they didn't seem to carry any sort of significant weight, though she could still feel a little extra 'pull' to her movements. "Wait, who--?" She just barely began to ponder over the thought of the orange glow among the mist before a whoosh reached her ears from overhead. Figuring that it was just the boy due to the lack of a warning buzz resonating inside of her head, she let out a sigh of relief.

However, the hum soon roared in her head... and then came a sharp pain with the clanking of metal. Stumbling forward with a grunt of pain, she was thankful for the thick shell on her back for taking the blunt of the hit. By goodness, that still really freakin' hurt, though! Turning around on a heel after the kick, she took a few steps back, swinging her arms down as she got into a battle-ready stance. However, this time, instead of the usual firey swing, the five circular vents on each of her broad metal forearm shafts puffed out a burst of flame, giving her a little bit of an intimidating flair, she supposed. To be honest, Alexa nearly spooked herself. "Well, you found me!" She shrugged, a smug grin plastered upon her face. "What're you gonna go, flap your little tiny wings and take a torpedo dive at me while I'm wide open in the middle of this clearing?"

Other Roleplay / Re: [RP][Day one, 8 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« on: December 22, 2014, 08:45:10 PM »
No, no! This was not part of the plan at all! Then again-- was there really any plan to begin with? Within no time at all after the boy had fired the massive laser, she heard a rustling far off in the distance... and then.. felt a buzzing in her head, as though an electric toothbrush was scrubbing at her brain from inside her head. "Wh-...What is this--?!" Alexa growled under her breath, hands clutching at her antennae and holding them down. Well, that seemed to negate the effects of that weird, pinpoint of a weird vibration... It was sorta the same feeling she got whenever the silhouettes the drones recorded pulsed into the back of her head, but.. annoyingly continuous. With a groan of infuriation, she stepped back... the buzz was getting stronger, eventually feeling like it was directly in front of her...

...Then came the screeching. Just when she thought the 'nails on a chalkboard' moment couldn't get any worse. Her gaze swiftly panned skywards. Through the thick mist, she just barely managed to make out the shape of... a stick? The buzzing grew louder, as though screaming at her to get out of the way-- which she promptly did. Not knowing which way to go, she simply ran in a direction away from the pole, then swinging away from a blue hoof in the nick of time, disappearing into the fog through the thick path of folliage. Twigs snapped, leaves rustled, a soft orange glow began to build in intensity on the horizon... The backs of her hands burned like her mark did back at the terminal, for reasons she did not know why. Screeching to a halt to catch her breath, she plunked herself down by a boulder. Waiting for her exhaustion to subside, she winced and covered her face with a shaky hand as a bolt of orange energy zipped between branches, crawling back into her shell. The voice in her head returned... 's c r a p  m e t a l.' Just then, things began to make marginally more sense. Remembering the jerky movements of her hands performing actions on their own from the beginning of the match, she pressed in a button on her left shoulderplate, her shell creaking open to reveal... a part set for a new drone...?

She closed her eyes, feeling a very faint 'thump' at the back of her head that assured her that her second drone was still on the field... This may make things interesting. Nonetheless, she got to work on making a new drone to replace the destroyed one. To what may look like a complex piece of work, it somehow all felt like a four-piece puzzle to her. Giving her finished work a tap with her foot, it popped open, giving a friendly little whistle before skittering off to hide amongst the bushes. Ahh, she'd never get tired of that silvery little sound. "Now, what else can I build..." She lightly scritched at her chin with an orange-tipped metal glove, before-- 'claws.' "Wh--" 'c l a w s.' "What d--" 'D o t h e c l a w t h i n g' "What claw thi--" 'H U R R Y!' She felt dizzy in the midst of arguing with the weird little voice in her head, as though her soul was about to float out of her body. Getting ahold of herself once more, she swung her arms out. "WHAT CLAW THING?!" She roared, swinging her arms out to the side.. then, suddenly... the loud groaning of metal plates rung in her ears. Coursing up her arms, a raging torrent of fire shot out from her hands, crawling up her limbs ember by ember. Each finger became a menacing claw, and shadowy metal bloomed forth from the blaze. Before she knew it, one could say that she had gotten herself a pretty sweet set of giant honkin' gauntlets. "...Dude..." 'd u d e.' Taking a moment to marvel over the monstrous metal masterpiece as she looked down at her palms, she soon realized the threat at hand... a-- did she just almost get attacked by a flying blue horse? Was that the same one that fell from the sky like a bloody idiot? A new spark of confidence kindling in her heart, she sat down and waited...

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