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Topics - chocobo

Pages: [1]
Quests & Plots / [Quest] The Night the Power Went Out
« on: March 09, 2010, 07:52:19 PM »
Quest Difficulty:  Easy-moderate
Quest Availability:  Earlier on in the game
Items needed:  pokeballs and time

(Anything with a star is only used for a reference. Real names and such will be added in by the PU team if this quest so happens to make it into the game.)

Upon heading into this new town, you notice that something is off. The people aren't outside enjoying the town, in fact, you begin to believe you might have just stumbled into a ghost town. However, after visiting the pokecenter, you are quick to find out the town has lost it's power. So the nurse regretfully informs you that she is not able to revive your pokemon. She also recommends that you head over to the pokemart and pick up some potions. That is all the information you'll get here.

After trying to uncover the scoop as to why the entire town is out of power, you eventually come to a house where a man tells you that he had heard a rumor. Apparently, his grandson was out late last night when the power went out, and had seen some suspicious looking goons messing with power plant. The only thing he could make out was an R on their clothing.

TEAM ROCKET!!* You knew it as soon as you heard the rumor. Who else could it be? You make your way over to the power plant to see for yourself. Upon arriving  you see nothing out of the ordinary. Just a cold plant standing large in front of you. When you enter, the place is empty. Nothing is around. The machines that create the electricity have been ripped out of the plant. Angered, you wonder why Team Rocket is doing such a thing. Now is time to head back to the town to try and uncover some more information.

You head to the old man's house who gave you the original rumor about Team Rocket. However, this time the grandson is also at the house. When you talk to him, he tells you that he saw the goonish looking men near the entrance route of the town and begs you to go take a look. When looking into the eyes of the boy your heart can't help but try and fix this town's problem. When you think about it, the world is much bigger than just you and you're pokemon.

While walking in the direction mentioned come night fall, you are confronted by some Team Rocket members. After a battling them both, you get some information out of one them. He tells you that the Team Rocket needed the machinery to power a machine that could duplicate any pokemon. Imagine if Team Rocket got it's grubby hands on some of the most powerful pokemon. The Universe would surely be threatened. After getting that information along with where you can find Team Rocket, you head out for the next part of the quest.

After reaching the cave the experiment is in, you right away are confronted with a number of easy opponents. Take them out and continue on. When you finally reach the area where the machine is getting powered, you find the master mind behind it all, Electric Elcie.* She has one difficult pokemon, but nothing you can't easily handle if your pokemon are around level 20. After defeating her, she laughs, pushes a button and runs out of the cave, while screaming it's gonna blow. As soon as you exit the cave you hear an explosion, and are no longer allowed back in the cave. You now face the difficult task of letting the little boy and old man know about what happened.

Upon returning, head to the old man's house. When you enter the conversation he will let out a sigh and say something along the lines of "this is a great misfortune. The people of this town need electricity." Here is when the young boy will chime in with, "what if pokemon could fix it." (you've got to love the mind of a little child. So simple.) The old man will say, "That's it! If we have enough electric pokemon, their energy can be used to power the plant. This is where the final task of the quest comes in. The old man, will gladly hold on to your pokemon while you head to location* to catch 5 electric type pokemon. He will also hand you 5 pokeballs. However, being you're a little ways into the game by now, you should have plenty more than that. So choose one pokemon to take with, and head out.

After you catch 5 pokemon, return to the town and find the home of a power plant worker. Next you know, you'll be at the plant, seeing the pokemon you caught generate the power that will light up the town. After the little scene, head back to the old man's house to collect your pokemon. He will thank you, and give you a good item* and possibly some money. If you stop by any of the townsfolk's homes, you will also get a thank you.

Quest Ended.

New Trainers / Welcome / Hello Everyone!
« on: March 09, 2010, 01:38:58 PM »
My name is Jesse, but chocobo in any form (boco, choco, FF Bird Dude) will work out just great. After catching wind of this site, I couldn't help but join. Pokemon has been a passion of mine for quite some time now, and I'm lucky to have stumbled upon a great looking community.

A little bit about me:  I'm 19, a prospective student in the science field (gonna make some real pokemon someday), and I live in the beautiful but cold state of Wisconsin. My hobbies include Photography, anime, old films, and gaming.

So now that you know a little about me, I hope to learn a little about all of you.

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