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Messages - DarkFirest

Pages: [1] 2
Other Games / Re: Yugioh???
« on: April 20, 2010, 10:25:38 PM »
My best cards: Thienen (or smthing) the Great Sphinx, Andro Sphinx, and Sphinx Teleia. Any good duelist should be familiar with those cards. I don't remember where I got them though. Too bad its really hard to summon out. If only Dark Hole wasn't forbidden.

Quests & Plots / Re: Quest Idea: Lost Shaymin
« on: April 20, 2010, 10:08:31 PM »
Yea I was thinking about that. I knew it was gonna be a problem, so I doubt it will make it in. I personally don't see any other solutions than to take out that part or just not do the quest. I never was good at coming up with ideas for games or anything, nonetheless making one that doesn't have kinks to work out. But that's okay, criticism can help.

Thx for being the only ones who posted spirit and declan :)

In-Forum Games / Re: [GAME] Corrupt a Wish!
« on: April 20, 2010, 12:27:20 AM »
Wish granted, it's spiderman

I wish I didn't have to go to school.

In-Forum Games / Re: [game] Pokemon Hangman
« on: April 19, 2010, 11:28:39 PM »

Quests & Plots / Re: Quest Idea: Lost Shaymin
« on: April 19, 2010, 10:39:15 PM »
Pretty good idea, I like it but here's a few tips:
- You built up a large back story which is good for a change, but the actualy quest itself doesn't seem to consist of much, try and build on this. For instance, the path you have to take, or possibly large amounts of hunters hunting you?
- Try and keep in mind that as an MMORPG, some of these things may be unpractical like the cages coming down, how about when you arrive the cages are already down?
But, all in all it's one of the better quests I've seen on the forums.
Oh yea, oops. I totally forgot about it being MMORPG. Oh yea and by the way, the reason the quest didn't consist of much because it was getting late and I don't think as well when I'm tired. How about this:

-On the pathway there, there are lots of hunters you have to fight. No major strong pokemon though.
-Once you get there, the two indivuals are already there, and all the other shaymin are gone. When you get there, shaymin jumps onto the ground and says: "Huh? Where's all the shaymin? Am I late? Ugh, human, you should've gone faster!" Then Jared steps forward and says, "No, no, you aren't late. You are just in time. You see, I have convinced the shaymin to help me in my quest to make the world a more, non-polluted place for pokemon and humans alike. What do you say, little one, wil you help me, will you join your friends?" The shaymin starts walking slowly toward Jared. Then his minion jumps foward and grabs the shaymin. Jared then says, "Hah! You are the most gullible shaymin I have ever seen! I have captured possibly every shaymin known to this region! I, Jared, have done it!" Shaymin then uses seed flare to get out of the minions hands as he yells, "Hey!" The gracidia flowers in the garden then touch with shaymin, turning it into sky form. Then Jared says, "Fine, resist at your will, I will force you to obey me!" and then shaymin says, "Come on, help me get him!" You then run at each other and battles. Also: Shaymin (Sky form) temporarily joins your party until after the battle.

Same pokemon as before

After the battle Jared is furious. "No, everything, it's ruined! My long dream that took me years to complete took seconds to be ruined!" And with that he runs out of the garden.

Minion: Oh my, what have you done with my master? He's broke. Master, where are you going? Come back! And he leaves the garden running after his master. Then the old man walks in.

Old Man: I sensed something special about you youngster, but I wouldn't even guess this! I saw your battle with erhmm...Jared, was it?
Ah yes Jared. I saw your battle with Jared and let me say he had some mighty strong pokemon. But you beat him. Here, you deserve this. Huh?

All of the other shaymin (sky form) start flying into the garden and circling it.

Shaymin: It's the rest of the shaymin! Oh thank you so much! I hate to say it but...Goodbye!

And with that all the shaymin start flying away.

Now, where was I...Oh! Yes, your reward. Here, take it.

I realize that this is going to require really hard labor and sweat to get implemented (especially the ending and when shaymin uses seedflare) but I will so happy if you do implement it. It is OK with me if you do not implement it.

Declan, is that better?

Site Support / Re: I wondering...
« on: April 19, 2010, 01:44:50 PM »
Ads help the PU? I thought they paid you just to have the ad on the website. Oh well! THEN I WILL DO MY BEST TO CLICK THEM EVERY DAY! CLICKITY AWAY!!

click                                                          click                                                              click

Games / Re: Best Pokémon series?
« on: April 19, 2010, 01:39:18 PM »
Soul Silver/Heart Gold

Quests & Plots / Quest Idea: Lost Shaymin
« on: April 19, 2010, 02:59:15 AM »
I could not find anything about this so I hope nobody's already posted it                                 

Well, anyways At the edge of the ocean, you see this small hut just sitting there. You decide to go inside. Inside there is not much, just the essentials for an old man. Sink, refridgerator, bed, table, cabinets and an ovular rug. The table is in the middle of the room and you can see laying on it a small white pokemon with what seems green grass and a flower on its back. There is a man circling the table in a very concerned manner. Over his head he has an exlcamation point or some other icon indicating he has a quest. You go up and talk to him.
                                                                                                                                Old Man: Oh dear...What am I to do? Oh? Excuse, me I was thinking to myself.*examines you* You seem to be trustworthy, say, have you ever heard of Shaymin? Shaymin is a pokemon that can absorb toxins, then purifies it into light and water, and fires it out with great force. Depending how polluted the air is will determine how much force it fires out with. This is called seed flare. They gather in groups at a flower garden on the other side of the Milyus region. It is full of gracidia flowers wich can transform them into this powerful form. Anyways, this shaymin on the table was on its way to the to the flower garden, when somehow it ended up here, on the other side of the region.       

Shaymin: This mean man sent out this golbat and confused me. All I can remember is using seedflare and running to the first place I could find. Did you know Im supposed to be the pokemon of gratefulness? I am quite great, aren't I? I'm so rare everyone wants me.                                                                                                                                             
You jump back, being surprised because of hearing a pokemon talk. The Old Man senses your expression and talks.

Old Man: Oh, Im sorry, I forgot! Shaymin uses telepathy to talk. Well, anyway, it found its way over here and I simply refuse to let it go. It can't go alone for a I fear that much will be trying to hunt it down and I cannot go with it for I am much too old and me and my gligar (you can change) would not stand a chance against those hunters. So, what I'm trying to say is, can you take her?           

Say no, the conversation ends.
Say yes, Shaymin (Origin) will be added as a temporary member (if enough room, otherwise the conversation will end with the Old Man saying, "Oh dear, you don't have enough room to take shaymin with you." Try making room first, then come back.").

If you pick yes with enough room for
Shaymin: Oh, let me mention one thing, Im afraid of heights, afraid of drowning, and afraid of crashing when at high speeds.  (this is optional, depending on if we will have anything like a wingull plane, a boat, or a train to get to the other side of the milyus region.)

On your way to the flower garden a couple of grunts might pop out and challenge you for shaymin. (since this is a new region, most definately a new team, I prefer a team like Dream Team, who studies the dream world (??) and the nightmare realm (Darkrai). But that's just me)

When you make it to the flower garden, you see a garden of well, flowers. But you see among them lots of shaymins treading about.

Shaymin: Yay, we made it just in time! *Jumps into the flower garden as every shaymin turns white as they change form*

Suddenly these electrifying little cages come down, trapping and shocking the Shaymins as they try to escape. Then this man in black clothing with red hair and a "minion" beside him start walking into the flower garden. As soon as they finish walking,  the man with red hair throws up his head and laughs.

Man with Red Hair: Yes I have done it! I, Jared, has captured tons of Shaymin! Huh? How did you get here? You see, I'm using these shaymins to rid the world of that is pollution.
What? You think that was not the case? You think I will use them for my own nefarious, greedy purposes? Fine then! Take this! *Runs at you and battles you*

His pokemon:

(preferably any level)

Once you beat him, he is so surprised he jumps backward and runs away, releasing the shaymin while he does. His minion is so surprised and he runs after him yelling, "Master!"
After they leave, the old man from the hut walks in.

Old Man: Wow, youngster, I knew you were special but this...Here, you deserve this!

(You choose the rewards) ;)

Oh yeah forgot about this: There could be a sequal quest to this with a really mad Minion trying to finish what his master started.

General Chat / Re: what was the first pokemon game you ever played?
« on: April 18, 2010, 09:02:18 PM »
I played Pokemon red version first. Later in my life, I went to this one store, sold all my unwanted video games, got $4.00 (sadly)  and bought Special Pikachu Version. (I still have Pokemon Red version today, but it's broken

General Chat / Re: LUGIA OR HO-OH: Important question!
« on: April 18, 2010, 08:58:51 PM »
I prefer Ho-oh, that is why I chose Soul Silver. Now some of you may be confused by what I just say lets think about it.

Soul Silver:
Lugia at level 45 in the Whirl Islands
Ho-oh at level 70 in Bell Tower

Wich one is stronger?

General Chat / Re: [Poll] Best Legendary
« on: April 18, 2010, 08:54:24 PM »
Hey I don't have absolute facts but what I'm gonna say could be true, uhm first, lucario is supposed to be a legendary right? Well you have seen one in the lucario movie, and suprisingly a trainer had one when she battled ash on a DP episode I think.

There once was a time when I was younger when I considered lucario to be ledgendary. But now I seriously doubt it. I have seen quite alot of people in the show and in the game with a lucario. People just assume pokemon are ledgendary because he/she/it (some pokemon dont have genders, I think magnemite doesn't) was the main pokemon in the movie. Anyways, lets get back onto the topic of who your favorite ledgend is.

General Chat / Re: [Poll] Best Legendary
« on: April 18, 2010, 08:26:49 PM »
Mewtwo! Now, thats one tough clone!

I don't really consider shaymin to be ledgendary. Don't get me wrong, she's really powerful, but have you ever seen two lugias? Mews? Groudon? Why? Because their ledgendary and I think that 1 is enough for the job. What job does shaymin have? Don't know? That's because as far as I know it doesn't have an important job like controlling space or time. Plus there's only one of them, and if you've seen Giratina and the Sky Warrior then you certainly know that there's more than 1 shaymin.

But who knows that's just me.

New Trainers / Welcome / Re: My name is DarkFirest
« on: April 18, 2010, 07:04:24 PM »
If I m going to be playing, you must call me by my nickname. Most people call me "You jerk!" some people call me "Loser" and I rarely get "COME BACK HERE WITH MY CAR!!!"

Anyways thx for the warm welcome

As for you gammal, I like to think a person has slaves because he's too lazy to do stuff himself, but who knows, that's just me.

EDIT: Anyway, MOST of you seem trustworthy. so I will reveal 2 more facts about me.

All time favorite pokemon movie: Mewtwo strikes back - Clones vs. Originals
All time favorite movie: Airplane - H-I-L-A-R-I-O-U-S Reporter: Okay boys time to take some pictures *starts taking picture hanging on the wall*

New Trainers / Welcome / My name is DarkFirest
« on: April 18, 2010, 03:09:50 AM »
Hello, Everyone! I am DarkFirest. I actually signed up a day or to ago but I verified my account and started playing today-or something along those lines. Now, I will say this once (and by once I mean a thousand times), get used to me, because you'll be seeing me alot...Well, technically you won't see me at all...unless you uncover some pictures of me. But you wouldn't do that to me, right? RIGHT??? Now....

All time favorite pokemon: Charizard - Who doesn't like a fire-breathing dragon pokemon?
All time favorite ledgendary: Mewtwo - Now this is one tough clone!
All time favorite pokemon trainer: Lance - I always did have a thing for dragon-type pokemon.
All time favorite color: Do you really need to know that much about me?
All time favorite town: Pallet town: Old dude Oak lives there.
All time favorite type: Fire - Now that is hot!
All time favorite region: Kanto
All time favorite...
I've ran out of All time favorites. So remember this: You might as well get used to me or get out.

EDIT: I just wanted to give you the basics. Not something like my name *gasp* now that is serious. Or like my email *gasp...again* or cell phone (Gasp...a third time) Adress? *GGAASSPP*

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: Poke'nests.
« on: April 18, 2010, 12:24:25 AM »
This is a great idea! I especially the different types of nests. Like a tunnel could be found using rock smash,like, you've uncovered a tunnel under the rock! Will you take the eggs? And if you say yes, there's a 50% (maybe more. maybe less, you decide) of the mother/father being there. "Oh no! Papa Ryhorn is angry!" or "(insert trainer's name here) took the eggs!"

Or you could just stumble upon a nest. "(insert trainer's name here) tripped over a nest!" Although I dont quite like the idea myself, but......

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