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2023 Check in by Gawerty
[March 28, 2023, 12:41:12 AM]

Holy crap my login worked. by Ez
[December 03, 2020, 08:56:26 AM]

Been a while. by Bing
[July 13, 2019, 04:47:06 AM]

Was Feeling Nostalgic (Pokemon Knights) by Monzta
[October 24, 2018, 07:37:00 AM]

Old Habits Die Hard by Miss Wednesday
[January 23, 2018, 12:35:35 AM]

[September 16, 2017, 08:20:25 PM]

Been a long time. by Monzta
[August 27, 2017, 03:18:58 PM]

Pokemon Universe Tribute Thread by Jerry
[September 29, 2016, 06:41:31 PM]

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Topics - Slanted

Pages: [1]
Trainers Lounge / Release.
« on: March 14, 2010, 09:14:20 AM »
Hey i'm just curious, any thoughts on when Pokemon Universe will be released?

New Trainers / Welcome / Sup.
« on: March 14, 2010, 09:07:37 AM »
Hey everyone, I'm new to this Community but I like it, so imma introduce myself (:

I'm Jordon, love to skateboard, it's pretty much my life. I do a little Visual Design, Coding, etc.

That about sums it up. :P

Jobs / Visual Design and In-Game Art and Tiles Application
« on: March 14, 2010, 09:05:39 AM »
Hello, I'm still new here and stuff so I figured I would offer my skills and help out some.
I'm going to apply for the Visual Design position and In-Game Art and Tiles Application. (If they're still opened)

Well I guess here's somewhat of an Application. :P

Name: Jordon
Age: 17
Timezone: Eastern US but can work in any Timezone.
Experience: I've had 3 years of Art in Highschool, so I'm pretty decent at drawing, sketching, etc.
I'm also pretty good at Visual Design and very experienced with Photoshop and GIMP. I can pretty much do anything asked with them. I plan on taking Visual Design classes in College if I don't get kicked out of Highschool, I tend to be myself when I'm in public, which isn't the best thing. (: Only problem is that I'm not that experienced with Pokemon but I'm willing to learn. Havn't played Pokemon since I was like 7 (:

Anyways, if you have any questions PM me or add my MSN, [email protected]

Art Work / Slanted's Gallery
« on: March 14, 2010, 08:58:15 AM »
Well these are just some past peices I've done. Figured I would post them and maybe get some CnC. I use Adobe Photoshop CS4. I get all my Brushes, C4D's, etc. from DeviantArt.com and friends :P
Hope you enjoy them.
(Bleach Anime)

(Heavenly Warriors, RuneLocus SOTW entry, Topic was War)

(UltraScape Banner Request)

(An old RuneLocus signature of mine)

(Reggae signature, RuneLocus SOTW entry, Topic was Reggae)

Pages: [1]