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Messages - Robbase231

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Other Roleplay / Re: (OOCC) Kokia: Pending Conflicts
« on: December 15, 2011, 10:32:52 PM »
Yes, giving that kind of detail can always be fun....

Other Roleplay / Re: [Profiles] Kokia: Pending Conflicts
« on: December 15, 2011, 10:30:06 PM »
Player's name: Frenchfry
Characters name: Dagan Aretino
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Age: 33
Guild/job: Arcadian Knights

Intelligence: Dagan’s textbook knowledge is entirely focused in civilization, past and present, from the culture of each kingdom, to the restrictions of commoners, to the influence of royals and the tactics and morality of each military. As such, he makes an excellent strategist.

Goals: The Aretino family produces leaders. Military generals, Rulers, and Guild leaders alike, their family was one of the most influential for eight generations, until recently, with the death of his father dashing their family’s power from the world. Dagan seeks not only to restore their foothold, but to make the Aretino name the single most respected among communities, and feared among militaries.

Speech pattern: Dagan’s voice is deep and intimidating, one suitable for a king. His statements and commands are confident and assured, generally accompanied by equally assertive facial expressions.

Language: While his first language is Common, Dagan is fluent in the language of the Elves, and has a rough understanding of the Orc’s.

Back story: As a child, Dagan saw very little of his father, and instead looked to his grandfather for a male role model. He was taught from an early age the skills and mannerisms that made their family what it was – Respect for life, fear of nothing, and the desire to shepherd the weak and the poor through hardship, to lead as many people to the highest point possible. When he was sixteen, his grandfather passed away, leaving Dagan with four words: “No Gods. No masters.” Quickly joining the Arcadian knights , climbing to the position of Rear Admiral of an airship fleet, and eventually taking for himself a mate, Dagan felt he was off to an excellent start to living up to his grandfather’s expectations until he received word that his father, a General within the Knights, had died from an unknown cause. With no kin to carry out tradition, and no elders but his mother to keep their foothold in society alive, he decided upon a change in goals that would be served well by the upcoming war: He would rule a country, one way or another. There would be no kings or generals for him to bow to. Even the very Gods would hesitate before raising a hand against him.
No gods. No masters.

Friends, lovers, and Family: Aside from his mother, wife and daughter, the whole of Dagan’s family is dead, mostly from old age. Somewhere in Arcadia he has a living uncle and cousin, though he has heard little from them in years, and his relationship with his mother was never particularly strong. Most people in Arcadia are more than willing to have a drink with him, though the only people he truly trusts are his wife and daughter, Jaclyn and Austera. Jaclyn, by all rights, is the opposite of the typical Aretino. Pacifistic and humble, she is incapable of commanding her way out of a wet paper bag. By that standard, she is also patient and gentle, perhaps making her and Dagan opposite sides of the same coin.
Much to her father’s delight, Austera has clearly shown more interest in being a “true” Aretino than following in her mother’s footsteps. Currently, her strongest desire in the world is for Dagan to succeed in becoming a king.

Appearance: Like the rest of his family, everything about Dagan’s appearance reeks of evil. His eyes are dark red, a trait iconic of his family, and his hair is extremely dark, much like his armor, which was crafted for him as a gift when he reached the rank of Rear Admiral. On each gauntlet is inscribed, in Elf, half his grandfather’s final words- The left reading ‘No Gods’, the right, ‘No Masters’. Despite this, most still see him as a figure of hope.
Skills and abilities: Dagan is an excellent leader, his reputation alone capable of improving morale among those under his command. One factor unique to Dagan among command ranks is that he is more than willing head battles himself. His intensive training has made him a skilled swordsman, and extremely powerful - As any soldier present at the time will tell you, Dagan once took down two Orcs in a wrestling match at the same time.

Pokémon Roleplay / Re: [OOCC] Rising Legends
« on: December 15, 2011, 06:54:41 PM »
So I suppose I can jump in whenever?

Pokémon Roleplay / Re: [OOCC] Rising Legends
« on: December 15, 2011, 06:28:56 AM »
you were getting a lot better at not doing that for a while now, its all about practice in my opinion.

Pokémon Roleplay / Re: [OOCC] Rising Legends
« on: December 15, 2011, 06:23:28 AM »
Mewtwo is soooooooooo grounded

alright then, I may post soon, or not, Kind of in the mood though

Other Roleplay / Re: (OOCC) Kokia: Pending Conflicts
« on: December 15, 2011, 06:18:40 AM »
Hmmm... I've seen your stuff around French fry, It'll be interesting to see what you come up with

Pokémon Roleplay / Re: [OOCC] Rising Legends
« on: December 15, 2011, 02:48:20 AM »
Hi, I've sort of come back, so I may pick up my characters, could I get a rundown on what they have been up too?

Other Roleplay / Re: (OOCC) Kokia: Pending Conflicts
« on: December 15, 2011, 02:45:55 AM »
All I ask is you do a few things with each post

Where is your character, who is near him

what is Y.C doing/saying

What are they feeling/ experiencing during this

That is basics of the basics, but it can't/shouldn't be done in a single sentence. This is why I initially started with a complex bio, so you would "have something to work with"

now that your characters have marinaded a bit, I'm sure you understand things about their natures that would of been overlooked if we had started right away.

While it doesn't show it in stars, I have r.ped quite a bit now, and I think I am more than capable of manning this r.p once its done

Other Roleplay / Re: (OOCC) Kokia: Pending Conflicts
« on: December 15, 2011, 12:50:53 AM »
Yes! Can't wait!

Now to join the current discussion, one issue is the scenario of a character urging you to follow them. THAT calls for a pause because you do require the character's consent before anything happens.

Also, how long is a 'paragraph'? Cuz if you asked me, I'd say about 6-8 sentences.

Yes that is exactly what I mean, not baby four sentence paragraphs. If your R.ping in a detailed way that minimum should feel cramped.

I remember you had issues with people (not naming names...*cough pokemonmasterethan cough* who kept trying to make you follow them, Yes you can respond by telling them to eff off, that is perfectly acceptable, you don't HAVE to follow anything except the rules.

(for fox, describe what is going on in detail, and even throw some dialog in there, be creative)

Other Roleplay / Re: (OOCC) Kokia: Pending Conflicts
« on: December 15, 2011, 12:30:40 AM »
Ah yes, the "not much to respond to thing"

that is where another rule comes from

You MUST do something when you post, and not just take a step, you have to move the story along. Just being a talking head is not going to fly with this r.p, your characters are moving, breathing and living, they need to do something when you post. That way people will have things to work with when its their time to post

Other Roleplay / Re: (OOCC) Kokia: Pending Conflicts
« on: December 15, 2011, 12:18:37 AM »
Well I will have a rule in the r.p that you CANNOT post only one sentence, hell I might even say it would be a paragraph.

I have been playing in r.p's where there was a three paragraph MINIMUM and I got to say it was some of the most enjoyable stuff I've ever done

now private r.p's would be catered to the person like I said, but for the Kokia, I refuse to be in another r.p that has one liners littering the whole thing.

Other Roleplay / Re: (OOCC) Kokia: Pending Conflicts
« on: December 15, 2011, 12:13:01 AM »
lol, yes Private R.P's will be catered to the person, I've gotten a lot better at those since we r.ped meowth XD

No, not yet, Been super busy

Other Roleplay / Re: (OOCC) Kokia: Pending Conflicts
« on: December 15, 2011, 12:09:09 AM »
I've also been getting into One on One R.P's in different sites, If you want to have a private r.p with me I can do that too while I'm finishing this up.

Other Roleplay / Re: (OOCC) Kokia: Pending Conflicts
« on: December 14, 2011, 11:55:09 PM »
So I've heard ^^, honestly I didn't think the idea would go anywhere, it was interesting to see it get so much attention

Other Roleplay / Re: (OOCC) Kokia: Pending Conflicts
« on: December 14, 2011, 09:31:24 PM »
Upon a LOT of prodding from Cortex (we hang out a lot, kind of hard not to get prodded =.=) I have come back to say I am almost done, though I have been doing other things for a while that have taken my full focus off of this little project.

Any who, I'll start this thing soon, though I ask you loosen up on Cortex a bit, he cant control my a.d.d lol

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