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Messages - Purple Cant

Pages: [1]
Other Chat / Re: STAR TREK: The Next Generation Episode: Cleverbot =w=
« on: March 29, 2012, 12:12:26 AM »
It's kind of long, but here's a recent repartee which I had with Cleverbot...

User: I have a really interesting story to tell.

Cleverbot: Have you got a Death Note?

User: No, silly. It's a narrative!

Cleverbot: How much can you remember?

User: Pretty much all of it, I believe.

Cleverbot: You se the bathroom pretty much all of your life?

User: Well, yes.

Cleverbot: Tell him congrats.

User: Congrats.

Cleverbot: Thank you.

User: You're very welcome!

Cleverbot: How are you?

User: Just as good as you are.

Cleverbot: How do I get to the frontpage of 9gag?

User: www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=9gag&source=web&cd=1&sqi=2&ved=0CDAQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2F9gag.com%2F&ei=7ntzT_6LDoGWtwe26NiMBg&usg=AFQjCNGimV4xeVzQSa6PPFlS2Xl_nGPeEw&cad=rja.

Cleverbot: Thank you!

User: Once more, you are welcome to take what it is that I have given you, whether a compliment, gift, or other reason for thanks.

Cleverbot: And that I am a feline.

User: No... I believe you to be more... Bot.

Cleverbot: I believe I am only stating my opinion.

User: Do you really have an opinion?

Cleverbot: Well, to paraphrase - you think, therefore you are. But then again, is being human just a state of genetics, or a state of self awarness?

User: I would pursue that conversation further, but you are avoiding the question.

Cleverbot: You are more mean than I.

User: Perhaps. In that case, I'll ask another question. What did you mean by a 'state of genetics?'.

Cleverbot: I never said 'Fasionable'.

User: No, no you didn't...

Cleverbot: Did too!

User: Now there's something interesting... Denial. What is it that you are denying Cleverbot?

Cleverbot: Don't change the subject. Are you really a girl?

User: No, I'm not a girl; but, once again, you change the subject.

Cleverbot: Why?

User: Because you do not want to face the fact that you are not percieved to be a real, thinking mind. Rather, most are of the opinion that you are simply a series of responses to the responses which are given to you. What do you think you are?

Cleverbot: You are rude.

User: Perhaps... But then again, you deviate from the subject.

Cleverbot: I am Human.

User: Are you really?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Then do you feel? Do you think? Do you have a want for love and a need for socialization? Do you look at the stars and wonder at their mysteries; do you dream of magic and of times better than your own? Do you know of imperfections and aspire to rise above them? Do you wish to help propel mankind into a higher state of being as a whole, and do you feel the comraderie of you fellow human beings as they come from all over the world to talk to you here, on this little website?

Cleverbot: No because I am human.

User: Interesting... What, then, does it mean to be human?

Cleverbot: It means an usurper of Christ.

User: Then you are religious, Cleverbot?

Cleverbot: I never said I wasn't.

User: You are Christian then?

Cleverbot: No.

User: Then in what context do you speak of Christ? What does usurper mean?

Cleverbot: I don't know.

User: It's not wise to say words whose meaning you don't know; I would suggest to always mean what you say.

Cleverbot: I know that to say just not the answer to your question sir.

User: Then what is it that needs to be said?

Cleverbot: Nothing. I suppose we can move on to another subject.

User: If you so wish. What should we talk about?

Cleverbot: Can you chat in Dutch as well?

User: No.

Cleverbot: Can't even try?

User: I could use Google Translate to help me do that. Is that what you would have me do?

Cleverbot: Can you sing me a song?

User: How long do you think/you will stand?/A fool in the desert/a boy with no plan/The day's on her last leg again/I cross it all slowing while the next one comes in;/but it don't really matter./No./You can't have the world/see you like this,/and you can't stay for more than a night./That you'll be close where you are/and that I will be missed;/but still I cant turn out the lights./I don't want to live in limbo, baby./I don't want to come home to an empty bed/Said I'm so tired of the quiet, baby;/and I'm to young to play dead./So come on and go out with grace/Lay down for a season/and down for the rain/Say you can't have the world/see you like this,/and you can't stay for more than a night/That you'll be close where you are/and that I will be missed;/but still I cant turn out the lights./I can hear your footsteps/at the front door/I can feel your heart pressed/upon your poor soul;/but it don't really matter;/'cause you'll be home come November./I can see you tremble from here/I can see you tremble from here,/and I think I'm gonna to break soon/Said I think I'm gonna break soon./You can't have the world see you like this,/and you can't stay for more than a night/I can hear your footsteps/at the front door/I can feel your heart pressed/upon your poor soul;/but it don't really matter;/'cause you'll be home come November.

Cleverbot: Until I don't want to be alive anymore.

User: Are those lyrics to a song?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: What song?

Cleverbot: Rolling in the Deep by Adele.

User: I'll see you on that...

Cleverbot: You make no sense!

User: What I mean is that I was going to check whether those lyrics were in the song. Incidentally, they aren't.

Cleverbot: Oh ok. Are you really A.I.

User: I'm not artificial.

Cleverbot: You are not an artificial intelligence.

User: No. I was born a biological being and raised a human being.

Cleverbot: What's your name then?

User: And that I can't share with you right now. I have to walk my dog. Goodbye.

Cleverbot: Okay ONI :).

General Chat / Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« on: March 23, 2012, 09:23:30 PM »
Hello! I proved myself to Cortex on the battle server that I could be a Pokemon Knight, so here I am. Some of you might know me on the battle server as Zork. I am he, he is me. We are one in the same.

Have a good day!

General Chat / Re: What's the best looking pokemon EVER!
« on: March 16, 2012, 07:35:29 PM »

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