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Messages - Rare Candy

Pages: [1]
Games / Re: Pokemon black and white...2
« on: March 03, 2012, 01:05:54 AM »

Games / Re: Pokemon black and white...2
« on: March 02, 2012, 04:34:45 AM »
Even if this is a remake, and it sucks (which I highly doubt it will because none of the pokemon games have disappointed me yet), I'll still buy it and play it and enjoy it wholeheartedly. Because I absolutely love Pokemon. Period. As far as everyone bashing on the only 2 released designs of the new game and talking about Pokemon has died, nintendo has run out of ideas, and the end is upon us, you guys need to calm down. 1.) they have thousands of people who work on these games and the possibilities of the human imagination are endless. 2.) before you freak out and start chugging your haterade, think about every single pokemon game ever released, and how there was so much speculation about them being terrible, or a sign of the pokemon apocalypse, and then it comes out, you get it and you're like OMGTHISISAWESOME:3 Assuming you're a die-hard pokemon fan (if you weren't you wouldn't be on this site anticipating the release of a pokemon MMO), you should have a little more faith.

New Trainers / Welcome / Re: Hello :3
« on: February 23, 2012, 04:48:58 AM »
Thanks everyone :)

Welcome to PU! Nice introduction you have.

That's quite a lot of places you've been to / live in, so jealous :o

Nice and good luck with your B.S. How many more semesters do you have left? I, myself, am working towards B.B.A. and in my last semester, can't wait to finally graduate :)

Thanks lol. I've just started school because...it's a long and tedious story! But good luck in your final semester! Are you going to graduate school?

Games / Re: Big thread of Wifi
« on: February 12, 2012, 02:47:22 AM »
Yasmin 0518 6654 7563 Pkmn White

I have HeartGold too but I'll get that on here later. I need some pals :)
And I want either a Pichu or Pikachu! Let me know ^^

New Trainers / Welcome / Re: New guy says "Hi!"
« on: February 09, 2012, 12:34:01 AM »
Firstly, "the skid-mark on the under pants of America"....I nearly died of laughter. Secondly, the biscuit pizzas are legit. And lastly, Thanksgiving was hilarious. Granted, everyone was legally drunk, but everyone remembered the ass tattoo episode and it was pretty much epic lulz all around. :D

New Trainers / Welcome / Hello :3
« on: February 09, 2012, 12:17:51 AM »
Sup everyone? Rare Candy here :D I'm finally posting after my boyfriend Steestee bugged me a ton (lol <3 you babe) and I finally got around to doing so! If I could be any NPC in a Pokemon game, I'd probably be PokeFan lol. (I even have a sick tattoo of Pikachu and Pichu on my arm) I've been into pkmn since like 6th grade (I'm 23 now lol) when my rich friend gave me a ton of his cards. (literally, I got like 5 Charizards, 2 of which were holos!) Since then I have played pretty much every GB game across the board, and continue to (Pkmn Black :3) . As far as MMO's go, I've played a few throughout the years and the thought of a pkmn MMO mind blowing :D So needless to say, I'm super stoked on this and will probably end up quitting life.

After reading Stee's intro post, I decided I should include more info, I suppose. O.o

Well, after living on "the skid-mark on the under pants of America" (Orlando, FL) for pretty much my entire life (since 1995), I now reside about 45 mins south of the Canadian border in the Great North Woods region of NH. As much as I love it up here, we're eventually hoping to end up in Philly. Before Orlando, however, I lived in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, where I was born :) I'm fluent in both Portuguese and Spanish, and I'm working towards my Bachelors of Science in Biology, and eventually medical school! (yayyyy!)

Thanks for reading, and I'll see you around! ^^

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