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Messages - Seth Lazareus

Pages: 1 2 [3]
Trainers Lounge / Re: What Are Your Goals On Pokemon Universe?
« on: January 31, 2011, 03:04:32 AM »
Escape, have some laughs, team up with my favorite pokemon, win a fair number of battles, make some more friends, that simple.  :)

New Trainers / Welcome / Re: New here :D
« on: January 31, 2011, 01:27:26 AM »
Hey, welcome to PU, you'll find all sorts of whack-jobs here you'll be sure to meet lots of interesting people if you stick around.  :D

In-Forum Games / Re: Count to 1 000 000E-2
« on: January 31, 2011, 01:06:26 AM »
2347 just looked it up on images...Declan is it good?

Games / Re: Things about the Pokemon Games you hated
« on: January 30, 2011, 11:40:59 PM »
The lack of smack button. Personally, I would have loved to hit some of the cpu's and that  includes the rival. It also would have been nice if the the other trainers didn't have really corny, overdone, and rather dull dialogue. It might have added some realism if there was at least a small degree of swearing too. I would have loved that, but you know you can't get everything you want...but when the world is about to end because of some whack-jobs couldn't at least one person say damn? I mean common...is it too much to ask?  :-[

In-Forum Games / Re: [GAME] You're Banned!
« on: January 30, 2011, 11:26:33 PM »
Banned because I think Cheryl Cole is HOTT

Banned because...

In-Forum Games / Re: Count to 1 000 000E-2
« on: January 30, 2011, 11:22:50 PM »
Om nom nom pavlova

General Chat / Re: The Bloody Noodles
« on: January 30, 2011, 10:53:02 PM »
the Elemental Elites will kill you!!

Whoa...s*** just got real...but not really because it's just a game.

I'll think about joining/applying if I hear good things about it later on, nice name.   :)

In-Forum Games / Re: Count to 1 000 000E-2
« on: January 30, 2011, 10:46:33 PM »

In-Forum Games / Re: [GAME] You're Banned!
« on: January 30, 2011, 10:43:28 PM »
Banned for mentioning a pokemon besides Lavitar.  >:(

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: In-Game Art and Tiles
« on: January 30, 2011, 06:06:19 PM »
Alright I get to it, hopefully I'll have something good to post by friday  :)

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: In-Game Art and Tiles
« on: January 29, 2011, 06:50:44 PM »
http://www.flickr.com/photos/58874404@N05/5398 Got a flickr account today.

Image tags aren't working. This is the incomplete sprite, have to add shoes, color, properly crop him at school, then resize. I was gonna finish it and enter it in the professor comp. but it closed earlier than I thought so I erased parts and made him more like a trainer sprite.

Again feel free to request some sort of drawing for PU and I'll give it a shot, I just want to know that if it turns out well it would be something you could use.

Pokémon Roleplay / [RP] Pokemon Enter Your World.
« on: January 29, 2011, 05:22:26 PM »
Inspiration: Pokemon, The Mayans or whatever they are called, a preview for one of those 2012 end of the world movies, and this song which I listened to while writing this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dOJpMr6-cqU

It's 2012, a week has passed and nothing is different, your life is still the same old thing. No apocalypse, your still moving along making it by, moving in circles. Despite having friends and everything going by just like normal you feel a little down, especially when your alone with your thoughts. While this is running through your mind a miracle happens. I'd recommend adding these in scenes one by one and editing them in as it's gonna be while if you want to do them all at once. I'll try to add more scenes in if anyone likes it.

Alright well according to the global RP rules it should have a setting, especially one given by me for the start  >:(, the setting for this is a place you could see yourself in the future, a place you have been before and quite possibly the place you feel your freedom has been at it's peak or is most constricted, so yes that is the setting.  (that's it for the start, I don't want to ruin it by taking away room for creativity,  as the story goes on it's up to you to mold the setting but if you want help just ask)....

Also apparently there are supposed to be a maximum of 2 main characters per thread and 1 controlled per post...I'll double check with Jerry on this because 2 main characters a thread would be difficult as the main character would change depending on who's reading(I would be my own main character and just a minor one in your book) . Also you could even look at everyone, despite how much their story is about them, as a minor character because it's a collection of stories that begin to overlap later and create one story, although some might just move along on their own if they wish. That doesn't mean they won't be unmentioned in someone else's (with permission please). Please don't post you meet up with another character unless they agree to it in a pm or something. After all it'd be lame to crash their party.

Unfortunately for some who believe swearing would allow greater realism in this RP the F word is absolutely off limits, not my idea, but perhaps it's for the best. If your curious you can the find RP rules at ->http://pokemon-universe.com/index.php/topic,1223.0.html<-

Time: 2012.

Scene 1 Part A:

Start with describing your situation, (your life, and it's current state, as well as what your doing at the time etc.)

What happens: A pokemon (your fav.) enters the scene somehow, it can enter in a funny way, a cute way, a crazy badass way, while running from  a bigger pokemon, it's up to you.

Scene 1 Part B :

   With your pokemon, and new best friend your life takes a weird turn. You still try to go about a normal life, but things pokemon related keep happening and seemingly only to you! Then one day the sky seems to split with a screeching sound and pokemon come down from the sky (or something cool like that) and the parallel universe of pokemon enters your world for real this time. OR you could skip straight to that and that they enter the same time your pokemon does.

-Feel free to change the whole worlds look when pokemon enter, the landscapes and everything are up to you, maybe the city is part forest, maybe it's burning down and ho-ho is rising out of the ashes, maybe the town is turning into a nightmare realm as your friends and family or neighbours and strangers decide you and your pokemon don't deserve to live. Or maybe your a part of nightmare for someone else. -If you decide to be part of the dark side it wouldn't hurt to describe how your pokemon feels about being told to fight it's own kind in order to bring about there demise.

IMPORTANT:We are all the same world though, but things are different from town to town, city to city, state to state, and country to country. So please don't say that any one major gov. etc. decides to take such and such stance (as that might screw up other peoples stories, so keep it local, for example don't say the whole world lost electric power...just your town, or city.)

Scene 2
     The whole world is in turmoil. The pokemon aren't so tame as in the shows, and a flamethrower attack doesn't just make you fall over and say ouch, often times it kills. IN this new world of chaos, will you persecute the pokemon? Will you defend them only to have them betray you? Will you join up with the Feds. who are rounding them up to be put in cages and tested and experimented on? Will you continue to make friends with the pokemon and protect them from abduction or death? It's up to you.

---As your life splits apart so do friendships with other humans, even families whether because of different views and/or goals, or just for safety. As you separate and break the ties you begin to find out what kind of person you really are, you also tap into a bit a of a creepier dark side. 

   Scene 3: You've picked your side but the majority has picked the other one. You have to watch out for many enemies and protect your pokemon along the journey to find a safe place to rest your head. Who knows, maybe along the way you fall out with a group your with or your pokemon, or maybe the one who's being protected is reversed through your pokemon growing stronger.

Rules: Try to keep it within reason, no legendaries should be the pokemon you get, your pokemon should start at it's first form, and it shouldn't evolve after one battle. Feel free to go into detail about the fights you see between pokemon and humans. Also it make sense if you missed your old life or reminisced or often thought about the way it used to be and your parents, gf, wife, your dog or whatever, you can make them disappear mysteriously the day it goes down if you want, sup to you.

Hope you enjoy, even if no one replies it's cool, I enjoyed writing this.  :)

JerryEDIT: Looks okay and has my approval. (corrected some typos) [Needs one more mod approval]

EDIT: Finished OOCC for this, I'll make my post under this one Feb. 15th as long as I have time, which I hope to.

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