Pokemon Universe MMORPG

Official Forums => New Trainers / Welcome => Topic started by: Hinagiku on November 14, 2011, 03:46:42 AM

Title: Hiya all!
Post by: Hinagiku on November 14, 2011, 03:46:42 AM
Hi everyone! I've been signed up for awhile but I finally rechecked the site and with the game seeming to come out soon I hope to be a bit more active.

I've been a fan of Pokemon since I was little because of the show, and the first Pokemon game I ever played was Crystal version (my friend's). The first game I played through/owned was Pokemon Sapphire. I also own Emerald, Yellow, own(ed) Diamond (went MIA), and now have White. (So if you want my friend code, just ask! I really want to trade, especially with Black, 'cause my Unova Dex is almost full!)

As for my Pokemon preferences, I like pretty Pokemon that can seriously pack a punch, and a balanced team. I prefer Psychic, Water, and Fire types, but that's not all you'll see on my team, believe me.
Musharna/Munna and Espeon are especially beautiful! I also like Dragonair, Lapras, Kangaskhan, Torterra, Samurott, Simisear, Typhlosion, Wailord, Blaziken (I had a pair of Blaziken and Wailord that could kick anyone's butt at one point), and all three original starters. Gurrdurr is really one of my few exceptions to the rule of "beauty and power," because he's really not that nice-looking at all, but Mr. Handyman is really handy, especially in a pinch, in my White version!

If Pokemon were real, I would start out in the Johto region with Cyndaquil and an Eevee (which, of course, would become an Espeon).
My goal is to be strong, but I would rather own a Pokemon Daycare and be a Breeder rather than a Champion.

Also, I nickname 99% of the Pokemon I catch because it's fun to. And double battles are the best.

Sorry if this is too much text. ^ ^;;

(http://i277.photobucket.com/albums/kk72/SunsetKatana/Misc/EspeonSprite.jpg)   I hope we can get along! (http://i425.photobucket.com/albums/pp335/Grasaldrea/Musharnabacksprite.png)
Title: Re: Hiya all!
Post by: genbor on November 14, 2011, 10:17:48 AM
 Welcome Hinagiku, enjoy your stay. Hope to see more of you on the fourms.
Title: Re: Hiya all!
Post by: Monzta on November 14, 2011, 11:42:07 AM
Welcome to PU Hinagiku!
Title: Re: Hiya all!
Post by: Burning Roses on November 14, 2011, 07:16:04 PM
Nice to see you on the forums Hinagiku althought we are friends on the battle field :)
Title: Re: Hiya all!
Post by: Jerry on November 14, 2011, 08:36:04 PM
Hi there Hinagiku! Welcome to PU! :)

And nice introduction :P
Title: Re: Hiya all!
Post by: Hinagiku on November 15, 2011, 05:49:43 AM
Welcome Hinagiku, enjoy your stay. Hope to see more of you on the fourms.
Thank you so much, I will. Same to you!

Welcome to PU Hinagiku!
Thank you! ^ ^

Nice to see you on the forums Hinagiku althought we are friends on the battle field :)
Same, Roses! Thanks!

Hi there Hinagiku! Welcome to PU! :)

And nice introduction :P
Thank you very much for the welcome. And I tried to make it kinda nice and actually be an intro. :P Glad it worked.