Pokemon Universe MMORPG

Pokémon Universe => Ideas & Suggestions => Topic started by: SwIzZy on April 22, 2010, 01:22:36 AM

Title: Where should Poke'mon be Located???
Post by: SwIzZy on April 22, 2010, 01:22:36 AM
I'm not sure where the poke'mon are going to be found in the game because the MMO has not been released but I was thinking???

Suggestion:  I'm not sure how big the map is yet but I was thinking that maybe certain generations of pokemon can be found in certain areas of the map.  Like, for example... If the game is arranged by islands that one island would hold the 1st and 2nd generation of poke'mon and then another island would have the 3rd and 4th generation of pokemon and so on....

I know it's just an idea and islands are not going to be implemented.  But,  I had the thought that certain generations of poke'mon would be found in a certain part of the map or maps.

Sort of like certain Pokes where found in Kanto and certain pokes where found in Johto...
Title: Re: Poke'mon
Post by: DaigurenHyõrinmaru on April 22, 2010, 01:54:07 AM
I actually think that's a pretty good idea. It would make collection a lot easier, especially if you were going to collect alot of a particular gen. Good idea! kudos.
Title: Re: Poke'mon
Post by: Viper on April 22, 2010, 04:53:48 AM
Ya i agree it sounds like a good idea too. Maybe even having to unlock access to certain islands to catch the gen there would be cool
Title: Re: Where should Poke'mon be Located???
Post by: Kamaran on April 22, 2010, 07:27:48 AM

A decade has passed since the last major Pokémon journey was made and now the time has come once again.

In the newly discovered region of Miryus, people have settled down in small villages and begun work on larger cities to make new lives for themselves. It came as no surprise when Pokémon were discovered inhabiting these new islands, but they were astounded to find Pokémon from all over the world, perhaps every species   known to mankind! Could it be true? No-one knows for sure.

When the word got out, a rumor quickly spread among the other regions that this might be the birthplace of the legendary Pokémon Mew, thought to be the ancestor to all Pokémon. Trainers from not only Miryus but the whole world traveled to the new regions' official starting towns and set out into the unknown, each aiming for the stars on their quest to become a Pokémon Master.

But something was slightly different here. Miryus was not just another region. A mysterious air hung over this set of isles, everyone felt it but no one could quite tell what it was. Scientists started to dig into the isles’ past, hoping to uncover some clue to the mysteries surrounding this land.

A few years later, the people settled, and Miryus had become a thriving region of bustling cities, peaceful countryside towns and undisturbed wide open landscapes. The official Pokémon League Commission established no less than seventeen new gyms across the isles and started preparations for a Miryus region Pokémon League, to be held every 6 months along with many other competitions. Trainers are now able to choose one of the already known starter Pokémon from a region their choosing upon arrival in Miryus.

Meanwhile, the scientists had come across a few small artifacts which were fascinating, but it was clear they were just scraping the surface. They called upon trainers who traveled the lands to join them in this adventure and help them unravel their secrets. Trainers arriving from other regions are requested to bring nothing but their knowledge and skills, as a region-wide rule to encourage exploration.

Along with the many settlers were some amazingly strong Pokémon trainers, their hearts set on being the most powerful of the new world. Self-proclaimed as the Brutal Five, their leader Natalia is said to live alone on one of the smaller islands to focus on her training. Few people know the exact location of the Five, as their training grounds are closely guarded secrets, and they devote their lives to training in solitude. It is common knowledge, however, that the Five are always looking for trainers to test themselves against, and keep a close watch on any rising stars. Perhaps if you train hard enough, you will catch their eye as a rival and receive a challenge.

Only one question remains:

Will you have what it takes to beat every other player in the Miryus region, rise to the rank of Champion in the official Pokémon League, and conquer the Brutal Five? Or will you break under the pressure of fighting other trainers reaching for the same goal?

Regarding the specific isles on which you can find specific generations;
Quote from: halagren
[...] It would make collection a lot easier, [...]
Thus that will not happen. But if you read the storyline carefully, you'll notice that every single pokemon are to be found in the region, which is a set of isles.
Title: Re: Where should Poke'mon be Located???
Post by: SwIzZy on April 22, 2010, 07:38:20 AM
Are you saying that all pokemon are found within these isles.  Also, will there be a wikipedia of where to catch these pokemon.  If not, there will be alot of posts on the forums of where to find certain pokemon.
Title: Re: Where should Poke'mon be Located???
Post by: Kamaran on April 22, 2010, 07:48:49 AM
To quickly sum up a lot of posts posted elsewhere;

About those legendaries: Some of them will act as world bosses in the aspect of "player vs. enviroment". Others will help you on certain quests and even against those bosses. (example: While dueling Darkrai, you might have Cresselia on your team)

Regarding the wikipedia;
Pokemon-universe have already a wikipedia (http://pokemon-universe.wikia.com/wiki/Pokemon_Universe_MMORPG_Wiki). This wikipedia will only be updated by the players and fans, meaning that PU will not touch it unless we see some "wrong" information.
Title: Re: Where should Poke'mon be Located???
Post by: Red_Cruzader on May 04, 2010, 10:34:17 AM
Will there be a "safari zone"?
Title: Re: Where should Poke'mon be Located???
Post by: SnowWolfAlpha on May 04, 2010, 02:33:01 PM
To have more variety, could we have wild pokemon whose locations change every week?
Title: Re: Where should Poke'mon be Located???
Post by: Jerry on May 04, 2010, 06:28:42 PM
Use the search bar guys  ::)

Quote from: Red_cruzader
Will there be a "safari zone"?

S/R/E (Safari Zone, speakin bout it, will we have one?)
Yes, but not in the first beta

To have more variety, could we have wild pokemon whose locations change every week?

Title: Re: Where should Poke'mon be Located???
Post by: Red_Cruzader on May 04, 2010, 08:02:44 PM
Use the search bar guys  ::)

Quote from: Red_cruzader
Will there be a "safari zone"?

S/R/E (Safari Zone, speakin bout it, will we have one?)
Yes, but not in the first beta

Will there be a "safari zone"?


Huh, weird... I did use the search bar. Sorry about that.  :-[
Title: Re: Where should Poke'mon be Located???
Post by: SwIzZy on May 11, 2010, 10:47:37 PM
What I meant by wiki is:

Will there be a separate forum so we know where each pokemon is located... such as routes and cities etc...
Title: Re: Where should Poke'mon be Located???
Post by: Sazhuy on May 12, 2010, 12:24:46 AM
Seems like you are asking for a guide at the moment and the game hasn't gone public so yeah.
Title: Re: Where should Poke'mon be Located???
Post by: SwIzZy on May 12, 2010, 07:10:24 AM
Seems like you are asking for a guide at the moment and the game hasn't gone public so yeah.

Well, I wasn't being greedy.  I was wondering if a guide would be created upon release of the beta.